
TATA Consultancy Services
Last activity: 15 Apr 2024 9:50 EDT
Local action is not getting submitted
- we have a local action launched as a popup from actions menu of a case.
- after entering all mandatory details in local action and submit
- no error returned but the popup is not getting submitted
- in the tracer at recalucateandsave OOTB activity we are simply getting message as "null"
- in logs nothing is logged
- the same code is working in all other environments except dev environment.
Surya Tej Kodukula -
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Accepted Solution

TATA Consultancy Services
Hi All,
The issue is caused by a declare index rule which is created for a testing purpose in dev environment, after fixing the issue there, it started working, Thanks for all your support.

Maantic Inc
Do you see any error message on the clipboard page? The fail step in the traces is showing as NULL?

TATA Consultancy Services
Thaks for quick reply, yes we can see the error message in clipboard on pyworkpage as below.
There is 1 error
- null

Maantic Inc
Is there a difference in versions between the environments where you say the same code is working? Also is there any version change in the stack?

@AnjaneyuluG Is the submit button customized, if so check if FinishAssignment is happening properly. Try to use the OOTB Submit modal dialog button and try. Check if any post action has an activity that is doing commit.
Check the tracer you will get more information mostly the WorkPage is cleared off.

TATA Consultancy Services
Thanks for prompt reply
we are using flow action buttons but not custom buttons, yes we have commit in post processing activity but the same code is working in other 3 environments other than dev environment.

Pegasystems Inc.
OOTB will commit during the case workflow, so please remove the commit from your activity and try again. If that's not working, to isolate the issue can you remove the activity in post processing to ensure if that's causing this issue.

TATA Consultancy Services
@RameshSangili , I do understand the auto commit during workflow but since this is local action and we need a commit to save the child data and the main case remains in same stage. however the same code is working in other environments.
Accepted Solution

TATA Consultancy Services
Hi All,
The issue is caused by a declare index rule which is created for a testing purpose in dev environment, after fixing the issue there, it started working, Thanks for all your support.