Last activity: 9 Mar 2018 6:18 EST
Listener Exception handling
Requirement: JMS listener need to process the each message from the JMS Queue and create one work object
Design:In the listener activity, we are calling work object flow by passing the message information. In that flow we are keeping the one temporary assignment after start shape and queuing this assignment to Agent, this will reduce processing time of the listener and it will resume to work on the next message in the Queue.
In this entire process if listener fails to create work object by any reason, how can we handle? What about the message, will it be re-queued again?
Is there any chance the messages in the queue is going to deleted, do we have any recovery?
If i enabled listener in all node, is there any chance that the same message is going to processed again?
Please share your ideas or correct if there is any correction
***Edited by moderator, Maryrita: moved to Product Support from Applications***