
Verizon Wireless
Last activity: 11 Jul 2017 16:31 EDT
JMS MBD Listener status in the SMA .
Hi Team,
Could you please provide some insights about the reason for the JMS MDB listeners not getting displayed in the SMA and also please let us know a way to START/STOP a listener.
Hi Team,
Could you please provide some insights about the reason for the JMS MDB listeners not getting displayed in the SMA and also please let us know a way to START/STOP a listener.
Pradeep Pydi.
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Accepted Solution

Verizon Wireless
An MDB-based listener cannot be started/Stopped/Restarted through management functions in the SMA.
Our issue has been solved with the help of the following article

Hi Pradeep,
MQ Listeners are available only when PRPC is deployed as an Web Application. If it is deployed as Enterprise application then listener is managed by the containers. As per my knowledge you have to operate it thought application server console. We are using Pega 7.1.9 on websphere and all our listener end points are managed through WasAdmin portal.

Verizon Wireless
"If it is deployed as Enterprise application then listener is managed by the containers" .Then why do you need listener end points managed through WasAdmin portal.
We are using activation specification for the queue messages and the JMS MDB listener setup pega pdn article ( doesnt say anything about the listener port configurations in the WAS.
Pradeep Pydi.

Endpoints are managed through WAS admin to provide option start/pause. Application container means the Application server which contaings Pega PRPC as running application.
We have also used activation spec to setup the MDB listeners and in Websphere we have executed thunder script to do the setup.
SMA for MDB listener will also show the error message is you want to manage it from there.

Verizon Wireless
Usage of Listener ports is obsolete when we have activation spec configured.
I believe you have used the Thunder script to do the Activation Spec configurations.
Activation spec does have PAUSE/RESUME options to administer the listeners.
Problem statements :
1) As per the information that I have obtained so far,JMS MDB listeners can only be managed using the Activation Spec (via PAUSE/RESUME options).Could you please suggest if you are aware of any other options.
2) Although we are able to process the message successfully using JMS MDB listeners,we could find the listeners listed out in the SMA but couldnt get any listeners information from them.
Pradeep Pydi.

Hi Pradeep,
1 . I am only aware of this Pause/Resume option in WASAdmin. I don't have any further information as I have not faced any scenario yet where more option is needed.
2. This is a common scenario, however in my case listener are present in the dropdown displayed under Listener Management in SMA. But it can't be started/restarted from there as they are MDB listener.

Verizon Wireless
Sure.Thank you.
1) I believe Pause/Resume of Act.Spec from WASAdmin is the only option to manage the MDB listener status.
2)What do you mean by common scenario ? We were able to find the listeners listed out in the SMA for one listener and could get listeners information from them.But after configuring two additional listeners,we couldnt find listeners information for any of the listeners listed out in the SMA.

I have recently created a MDB listener and I can see it in SMA listener dropdown. But I had to restart the nodes with a cleared cache to see them. By theory it should appear if the JMS MDB Listener instance is present in Pega application and listener is configured properly.
Common Scenario - > I mean to say it is a known fact that MDB listener is having problem to operate through SMA.
Accepted Solution

Verizon Wireless
An MDB-based listener cannot be started/Stopped/Restarted through management functions in the SMA.
Our issue has been solved with the help of the following article