
Last activity: 18 Feb 2016 4:18 EST
Is it possible to receive input from user without using page?
Suppose there is a form which contains the following field,
1. TextBox
2. Button
User enter values in the text box and click on the button.
On click of this button I need to run a activity that will do the processing of what has to be displayed.
Like in HTML we create form and text box inside form can be accessed through DOM structure , is there something similar in pega ?
One solution is store the textbox value in page and carry on the processing.
Is there any other way?
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Rasaiya,
If you are doing a one way transaction, you could pass a URL that calls an activity with your values as parameters, but if you aren't inside of a harness (possibly in an IAC gadget), I don't think you can get a response back or actively work a case. Is there a specific business requirement you are trying to fulfill by doing this? I might be helpful to have context around what business problem you need to solve to know what the best approach would be.

I am converting the HTML Gadget rule to Standard Section rule.
You said that I can pass a url with the values as aparameter.
Can you help me understand how to get values from the text box and pass as a parameter?

Any comments?

>>> User enter values in the text box and click on the button.
>>> On click of this button I need to run a activity that will do the processing of what has to be displayed.
Set the action of the button to be to refresh the section on click of the button, and in your refresh-activity, do the necessary processing and set the property associated with the text box appropriately. The new value of the property will appear in the text box when the refresh occurs. /Eric

That means we need a property to store the textbox value.
Will be a good practice to use the default page pydisplayharness to store such value, as I do not want to create any pages.?

I think it might help for us to know a bigger picture of what you are trying to do. There are so many places to store information. Certainly in a property on a page is one common way.
Part of the question has to do with who needs to see the information, and how long it needs to persist.
Some of the places you can store information:
- Properties on pages associated with work objects (which the system helps you store on the db and keep up to date)
- the db itself. You can use executeRDB (unless it's called RDBexecute) to write directly to db
- dynamic system settings (to see some, click record explorer, sys admin . . .

Hi Eric,
Let me try to explain what the requirement is,
There is a gadget given to user where user can enter a work object id and perform a button click.
From that, an activity is getting called, with the inputed work object id as a parameter.
The called activity has a lot of processing stuff, at the end it will generate a output.
My question is with the higlighted line,
In the highlighted line i just need to take input from the user.
And pass this input as parameter to the activity.
Can this be done without using a page?
In such case there is already an existing page pydisplayharness for composite portal. We can link the text box with any of the property of the pydisplayharness page. And in the called activity access the text box information from that page?