Is it possible to do read and write operations in a Repository by using pega?
How can u read from a repository and write it back to it. This was asked in an interview
How can u read from a repository and write it back to it. This was asked in an interview
Accepted Solution
You can leverage OOTB Pega repository APIs
D_pxDelete: Delete a file from repositoryName in the specified filePath
Eg: D_pxDelete[repositoryName:Param.repositoryName,filePath:Param.filePath,recursiveDelete:Param.recursiveDelete]
D_pxGetFile: Represents a file stored in a repository. Takes a repository name, a file path, and an optional response type, which must be either "STRING" or "STREAM", and which defaults to the former.
Eg: D_pxGetFile[repositoryName:Param.repositoryName,filePath:Param.filePath,responseType:Param.responseType]
D_pxListFiles: Load the page with repository name and the path of the folder whose contents need to be listed
Hi @TanyaS58,
You need create a repository and give required permissions in repository side.
Please go though below article, you will get a idea.
How to leverage PEGA Repository API — Amazon S3 for file storage.
I hope this will help you.
Accepted Solution
You can leverage OOTB Pega repository APIs
D_pxDelete: Delete a file from repositoryName in the specified filePath
Eg: D_pxDelete[repositoryName:Param.repositoryName,filePath:Param.filePath,recursiveDelete:Param.recursiveDelete]
D_pxGetFile: Represents a file stored in a repository. Takes a repository name, a file path, and an optional response type, which must be either "STRING" or "STREAM", and which defaults to the former.
Eg: D_pxGetFile[repositoryName:Param.repositoryName,filePath:Param.filePath,responseType:Param.responseType]
D_pxListFiles: Load the page with repository name and the path of the folder whose contents need to be listed
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