
Cisco Systems India Private Limited
Last activity: 10 Aug 2017 12:35 EDT
Issue with comma in function pxContainsSpecialCharacters
Inorder to validate a property so that it does not allow special characters except for some defined characters, I have used a string function pxContainsSpecialCharacters which takes two inputs. One the property value and the other is allowablecharactersList in CSV format.
The Exact expression which I have used is @String.pxContainsSpecialCharacters(.AddressLine,"-,/, ,(,),&,@,{,},_,',`,,,\","). In allowable characters list I want to allow comma too, but the issue here is that as this List is in CSV format comma is getting replaced with blank and the system is throwing an error that comma is not allowed. Could anyone please help me in resolving the issue ASAP so that the comma is also allowed and property is validated correctly.
Thanks in advance,