
Royal Bank of Canada
Last activity: 9 Mar 2021 7:57 EST
Invoking data page from a data transform to display the results in a dropdown - Issue with creation of 2 data pages
I have created a data page with Report definition as the source which should get filtered results from a table.
I am deriving the parameters to be passed to the data page in a data transform which is being called in the pre-processing of the flow action. After deriving the parameters in the data transform, I am using method Update Page and calling the D_Page as follows:
Here Criteria1 and Criteria 2 are parameters on the data page which are being passed to the report definition AND Param.Criteria1 and Param.Criteria2 are parameters on the data transform
Further, in the section of the flow action, I have placed a dropdown control and referred the source as the D_Page. The parameter values in this configuration are left empty
Now, when I run the flow, I see 2 instances of data page created. 1 from the invocation from the data transform (having correct filtered results) and the other because of the calling in the section (this one gets all the results because no Parameters value were defined while using the D_Page as the source of dropdown). The dropdown values are also being populated from the D_Page instance having all the results.
How can I achieve only 1 data page with this approach?