Inheritance from two frameworks
I am considering an application based on Pega Customer Service and some enterprise-specific framework VGSFW
The planned inheritance scheme looks like follows (see attached pdf):
DL-KSZ-Work inherits directly from DL-FW-VGSFW-Work
DL-KSZ-Work-Interaction inherits directly from PegaCA-Work-Interaction
Based on one of the previous PoC's I would expect that:
1. the rules defined in DL-FW-VGSFW-Work are available to DL-KSZ-Work-Interaction
2. DL-FW-VGSFW-Work is displayed in the inheritance path of DL-KSZ-Work-Interaction
But neither happens at the moment - see page 2 of the pdf.
How can we achieve, that the DL-KSZ-Work-Interaction- classes have both functionality of PegaCA-Work-Interaction AND DL-FW-VGSFW-Work ?
***Edited by Moderator: Pooja Gadige to add platform capability tag***
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