
Unitedhealth Group, Inc.
Last activity: 9 Jan 2017 9:36 EST
i need to know what if we upgrade pega 6.2 sp2 with webspehere to pega 7 with jboss.
We are planning to upgrade on of our business critical app which is running on pega 6.2 sp2 with oracle 11g web sphere 7.0,BIX also to PEGA 7 oracle 12c and websphere 8.5 and BIX7.x.
infrastructure team posted a question why cant we go for jboss instead of websphere. my understanding is brand new application development with jboss might not have issues but upgrading whole software stack with totally new application server instead of websphere to jboss might pose unseen challenges. to give you more information on our current application:
1. we are using ORACLE MAA configuration, which I heard is not supported by jboss.
2. BIX will also be upgraded
my only concern is time to production and amount of time which can go up in stabilizing already tested verified application with websphere. could you please help me with your suggestion on will it be a good idea to go jboss path just to avoid cost or there will be other benefits. if not what can be the compelling reason to say no for jboss.
question posted from infra team is :
- Is there a Vendor requirement for Web Sphere Application Server? (Yes/No)
If yes, please provide vendor documentation to support the Web Sphere Application Server requirement.
a quick response is very much appreciated.