
HTML Table Clone Count and Link Parenting
This is a two part question.
First: I have a HTML table, which I interrogated a single row and used Keys, which has 4 children cells. (Matched with Table Section Row Match Rule and Table Schema Cell Match Rule. The row [table] is matched with Table Schema Match Rule. )
Using the GetClones method, generating a proxy, and verifying the count property of this proxy, sometimes I get a count of 1, and other times I get a count of 39. The table in the web application has 42 rows however. Therefore, I am wondering why sometimes I get only 1, and other times I get 39, and never get the expected 42?
Second: When interrogating a link, that I would like to be clicked, within this table, it is not parented correctly. I would expect it to be parented under the cellAction cell, but rather its hierarchy is off. Any suggestions for this? I have tried Fix Parent, and Fix children, on different parts of the hierarchy. Additionally there is no Create Container option for the cloned row [table].
Thank you.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update SR Details***