
Last activity: 12 Sep 2016 3:38 EDT
How to use BIX(Business Intelligence Exchange) with DDR(Decision Data Records)
We want to use BIX extract on DDR(Decision Data Records) class. We have written an BIX extract on DDR class and when we run the Extract class the exported file does not contain the values for the Properties which are available in DDR class.
Could you please let me know, if we can use BIX extract on DDR classes, if we can could you please guide me on how to achieve this.
Thanks and Regards,
Maruthi Naidu Kurupati.
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Accepted Solution

BIX log in the previous post shows that you are running the query on XXXXXX-NGDP2-SR-NGDPropositions-Offers but the pxObjClass in the table as mentioned is XXXXXX-PropositFW-SR-test-UnversioneProposition1 and thus there are no records retrieved.
Does XXXXXX-PropositFW-SR-test-UnversioneProposition1 inherit from XXXXXX-NGDP2-SR-NGDPropositions-Offers? If yes, and you are using command line BIX (or the activity pxExtractDataWithArgs) then the -c option should get the required results.

Kindly specify the version of the Pega 7 platform you are using along with the highest version of the Pega-BIX ruleset that you have in your application.

Hi Rajiv,
Thank you for your response. Below are the details that you have asked.
1. Pega 7.2.1
2. BIX Version : Pega-BIX 07-10-23
Please let me know if you require any more information.
Thanks and Regards,
Maruthi Naidu Kurupati.

Hi Maruthi,
I am not too familiar with decisioning but there seems to be an option there to export the decision data records directly. Kindly provide details on why you are running BIX to extract the data.
That said, please the configuration of your extract rule and the Pega-BIX log file generated for the extract to understand what might be going wrong.
Updated: 22 Aug 2016 11:11 EDT

HI Rajiv,
Thank you for your response. We are using Decision Data Records in our Pega Marketing implementation and the data which is present in these records need to be sent to thirdparty system. To achive this we want to use BIX , Export the data and send the data.
I verified the BIX logs after executing the Extract class which is written on an DDR class and below is the information I could see in the log file.
HI Rajiv,
Thank you for your response. We are using Decision Data Records in our Pega Marketing implementation and the data which is present in these records need to be sent to thirdparty system. To achive this we want to use BIX , Export the data and send the data.
I verified the BIX logs after executing the Extract class which is written on an DDR class and below is the information I could see in the log file.
2016-08-22 15:25:20,671 [ PegaRULES-Batch-5] [ ] [ NGDP2:01.01.01] ( internal.access.ExtractImpl) INFO [email protected] - # Total Instances retrieved: 0
2016-08-22 15:44:18,015 [ PegaRULES-Batch-5] [ ] [ NGDP2:01.01.01] ( internal.access.ExtractImpl) INFO [email protected] - Value of pyLastUpdateDate in pr_Extract_Time at the beginning of BIX run: 2016-08-22 15:20:20.0
2016-08-22 15:44:18,030 [ PegaRULES-Batch-5] [ ] [ NGDP2:01.01.01] ( internal.access.ExtractImpl) INFO [email protected] - sql statement is: SELECT count("PZINSKEY") FROM PEGADATA.pr_dm_proposition WHERE "PXOBJCLASS" = ?
2016-08-22 15:44:18,031 [ PegaRULES-Batch-5] [ ] [ NGDP2:01.01.01] ( internal.access.ExtractImpl) INFO [email protected] - Value of pyLastUpdateDate in pr_Extract_Time at the beginning of BIX run: 2016-08-22 15:20:20.0
2016-08-22 15:44:18,046 [ PegaRULES-Batch-5] [ ] [ NGDP2:01.01.01] ( internal.access.ExtractImpl) INFO [email protected] - sql statement is: SELECT pzPVStream FROM PEGADATA.pr_dm_proposition WHERE "PXOBJCLASS" = ? ORDER BY "PZINSKEY"
2016-08-22 15:44:18,047 [ PegaRULES-Batch-5] [ ] [ NGDP2:01.01.01] ( internal.access.ExtractImpl) INFO [email protected] - Processing Class: XXXXXX-NGDP2-SR-NGDPropositions-Offers with 0 instances
2016-08-22 15:44:18,047 [ PegaRULES-Batch-5] [ ] [ NGDP2:01.01.01] ( internal.access.ExtractImpl) INFO [email protected] - BIX Version : 7.2
2016-08-22 15:44:18,052 [ PegaRULES-Batch-5] [ ] [ NGDP2:01.01.01] ( internal.access.ExtractImpl) INFO [email protected] - CSV File XXXXXX_NGDP2_SR_NGDPropositions_Offers is created in /mnt/disk1/StaticContent/global/ServiceExport
2016-08-22 15:44:18,090 [ PegaRULES-Batch-5] [ ] [ NGDP2:01.01.01] ( internal.access.ExtractImpl) INFO [email protected] - PAL Statistics for BIX Extract run :
Non-rule-resolved instances accessed from the database: 8
CPU time accessing non-rule-resolved instances from the database: 0
Elapsed Time accessing non-rule-resolved instances from the database: 0.038
CPU time retrieving rule-resolved Rules from the database: 0
Rule-resolved rules requested from database or cache: 6
Bytes read from database Storage Streams (uncompressed): 25188
Number of database requests that exceeded the time threshold: 2
CPU time spent performing BLOB decryption: 0
I could not find anything which is helpful.
Could you please advise if there is any alternate way to achieve this. Let me know if you need any other information.
Thanks and Regards,
Maruthi Naidu Kurupati.

From the log it looks like there are no instances retrieved by the query that is being executed. Would it possible for you to try and run this query outside on the Pega platform to see how many records are getting retrieved?
Also, are you running BIX from the command line or designer studio?

Hi Rajiv,
When I ran the query from logs in Database I could receive 4 records. Below is the Query I ran in Database.
SELECT * FROM PEGADATA.pr_dm_proposition ;
The column PXOBJCLASS contains the value as XXXXXX-PropositFW-SR-test-UnversioneProposition1, when I search for this class in Database it showed me Database Table not the DDR class on which I have created the Extract.
Could you please suggest me, if I can use Extract on DDR(Decision Data Record) or not.
Thanks and Regards,
Maruthi Naidu Kurupati.
Accepted Solution

BIX log in the previous post shows that you are running the query on XXXXXX-NGDP2-SR-NGDPropositions-Offers but the pxObjClass in the table as mentioned is XXXXXX-PropositFW-SR-test-UnversioneProposition1 and thus there are no records retrieved.
Does XXXXXX-PropositFW-SR-test-UnversioneProposition1 inherit from XXXXXX-NGDP2-SR-NGDPropositions-Offers? If yes, and you are using command line BIX (or the activity pxExtractDataWithArgs) then the -c option should get the required results.

Hi Rajiv,
I am running BIX from Designer Studio. I will execute the query in database and update you with details.
Thanks and Regards,
Maruthi Naidu Kurupati.