
JP Morgan Chase
Last activity: 14 Sep 2018 6:56 EDT
How to synchronize automatically declare pages if running only in one node and will create/update in other nodes.
Hi ALL Pega Experts,
Can you please tell me if this is possible synchronizing all 9 nodes on creating data pages in read only mode (node level). An agent will be running on one node only and will create 6 data pages, the agent will be turned off in all other nodes. Then all other nodes will synchronize data pages (will be created if not existing yet).
What I am trying to accomplish here is the 6 declare pages to be available (agent will run it initially) even before the first user access it to avoid any performance "somewhat a bit slowness" when it is access the first time.
Also can you please tell when exactly declare page expire?
We would also want to plan this scenario so it will not get reloaded by user accessing the declare page but rather the agent will make it available for the user.
Your response is highly appreciated!!!
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags***
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated SR details***
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Please find the below link.
Johan Estiven Cante Valero

JP Morgan Chase
I appreciate this link you sent Raveendra. But seems like the information inside is what I also read already in which it did not answer all the statements I posted.
Yigit Ulguc

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello. If I understand what you are asking correctly, you want an agent to trigger the load of the declare page on on one node (A) and then, based off of that page's existence on node A, trigger the creation of the same node level page on nodes B, C, D, and so on. Presumably, with the goal of never making a single user wait for the load of the page. If that's what you're trying to do, then unfortunately, I don't know of a facility for that. You could define the agent on every node if you wanted to, or if this page is used later in the process, you could reference it shortly after the user logs on and set it to load asynchronously, so that it's had a chance to populate before the first user actually needs it.

JP Morgan Chase
Thank you Mike for your answer, you have stated my question accurately in which that is what I am trying to accomplish. I just want to validate from PEGA experts if there is a new process like that. So for now it seems like we just need to run the agent in each node to create the declare pages. Thanks much again for your answer. Cheers... :-)

JP Morgan Chase
Hi Mike,
Can you also please help why in the Pega Help documentation it is stating it will synchronize? (see below from Pega Help on Declare page)
Note: Pega 7 Platform supports refreshing node-level data pages. If you refresh an expired data page using any of the following methods, the system synchronizes all nodes by refreshing the data page on all nodes in the system:
· Use Page-Remove in an activity.
· Click the Clear Data Page button on the Load Management tab of the data page rule form, as noted above.
· When you click the Run button for a data page, on the dialog that appears, select the check box to clear existing instances of the data page.
There may be a delay of up to five minutes for a system-wide refresh to complete.
Abigael Powell Adarsh R

Pegasystems Inc.
I was not aware of that. One of the great things about Pega is there's always something new to learn. :) Have you tried having your agent load the datapage on Node A, wait for it to fully load, and then do a Page-Remove to trigger the synchronization that the help mentions? I don't know the mechanism by which it knows that other nodes have pages to refresh (having just learned about this now), but it sounds like it should work based on the help file you quoted.
Good luck!

JP Morgan Chase
Hi Mike,
So based on what I have tested from the "Help" statement on the pega help on declarative page (Load Management section):
I tried all three one at a a time as specified on the "Help" below:
1) Use Page Remove in an activity - Itried several scenarios both manual and automated in an activity and all this does is just remove all instances of specified declare pages in all nodes. (Well I tried in DEV and we have 2 nodes in DEV).
2) Clear Data Page button - I have tried both manual by clicking the "Clear Data Page" button on the Load Management tab as well as automated by calling the the OOTB "FlushDeclarativePage" and same result where the data page specified got removed in all nodes.
Hi Mike,
So based on what I have tested from the "Help" statement on the pega help on declarative page (Load Management section):
I tried all three one at a a time as specified on the "Help" below:
1) Use Page Remove in an activity - Itried several scenarios both manual and automated in an activity and all this does is just remove all instances of specified declare pages in all nodes. (Well I tried in DEV and we have 2 nodes in DEV).
2) Clear Data Page button - I have tried both manual by clicking the "Clear Data Page" button on the Load Management tab as well as automated by calling the the OOTB "FlushDeclarativePage" and same result where the data page specified got removed in all nodes.
3) Clear existing instances of the data page - this can only be done manually and same result it removed specified data page in all nodes.
So based on these tests, the result has one response which is "specified data page" removed in all nodes.
So does that mean it knows the other nodes that it can also create or refresh?

Pegasystems Inc.
It sounds like "refreshing the data page on all nodes" may not be entirely accurate. Removing the pages ensures that they will be refreshed, but it doesn't actually take the next step of proactively triggering the refresh. I don't know if this is a product defect or a documentation defect, but in the short term, it sounds like having your agent run on every node would be the surest way to accomplish what you want. Or to make sure you call the load asynchronously, early enough that the data is there when your users need to use it.

JP Morgan Chase
Hi Mike,
I also have an open SR-C54174 regarding this issue and add my latest statement (see below under double lines)
Hi Josh,
Can you please explain more about the statement "this is not determined to be a product defect"?
Hi Mike,
I also have an open SR-C54174 regarding this issue and add my latest statement (see below under double lines)
Hi Josh,
Can you please explain more about the statement "this is not determined to be a product defect"?
1) Is this feature not enabled in this product PRPC version 7.1.9 and available in higher version? or this is not a feature at all in all prpc versions - The note on pega help says "Pega 7 Platform".
2) The 3 ways mentioned on the Pega Help are all able to remove declares pages on other nodes which means executed in one node and system knows other nodes, so does that mean there's a documenation defect when it mention on the note which shows "the system synchronizes all nodes" only applies to removing data pages? (see below on the Note in which it did not specifically mention it only applies to removing data pages in other nodes).
Note: Pega 7 Platform supports refreshing node-level data pages. If you refresh an expired data page using any of the following methods, the system synchronizes all nodes by refreshing the data page on all nodes in the system:
· Use Page-Remove in an activity.
· Click the Clear Data Page button on the Load Management tab of the data page rule form, as noted above.
· When you click the Run button for a data page, on the dialog that appears, select the check box to clear existing instances of the data page.
There may be a delay of up to five minutes for a system-wide refresh to complete.

Pegasystems Inc.
In Pega Platform we do not have any mechanism to load data page in other nodes when one node loads a node level data page. All the nodes need to load those instances on demand basis. Running agents in all those nodes to load the data page before using it can be an option for your use case.
Having said that, when any node removes a data page instance, it is treated as a cluster wide change and other nodes are notified for the same. So that the data page instance is invalidated in node level cache of every node and gets loaded afresh on next referral to the data page in those nodes. The delay of 5 minutes was rectified in the past and latest pega help documentation does not talk about that delay anymore.
Cloe Walker