
Commonwealth Bank
Last activity: 10 Dec 2018 6:40 EST
How to show touch ID/ fingerprint option after setting DSS value to true
I've changed the DSS - enabletouchid value to "true" and logged into my application using Pega Mobile Express.
"Remember me with touch ID Remember me with fingerprint" option is not popping up on the screen.
Do I need to do anything for the below code.
<pega:when java='<%= enableFingerprintAuthenticator == "true" %>'>
<div class="iOS" id="fingerprintAuthenticator_checkbox_row" style="display: none">
<% if(ua.contains("iPhone") || ua.contains("iPad")) { %>
<span class="label">Remember me with touch ID</span>
<% } else if(ua.contains("Android")) { %>
<span class="label">Remember me with fingerprint</span>
<% } %>
<div class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="fingerprint_checkbox" />
<label for="fingerprint_checkbox"></label>
Kindly can some assist on this ASAP.
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