Wipro Limited
Last activity: 9 Oct 2017 3:38 EDT
how to show error message on model dialog and preventing submission until the error got cleared?.
Hi, I have a section in work class and which has a property from some other data class by a top level page reference. I am refering this section flow action as local action using model dialog. By using one activity based on some validation I am setting msg on to that property and i am calling this activity on click of submit button of model dialog. After clicking submit button, msg is not getting displayed on property and model dialog also getting closed. I can see the error msg on clipboard page. Please guide me on this. Need to implement functionality on this in my current project. Thanks in advance....
Searched in PDN for related issues but didn't get the proper answer. Please some one assist me with proper solution. I am using PEGA 7.2.1 version. Please dont reply like this code issue got fixed because i am still facing this issue.