
Last activity: 21 Jun 2022 4:01 EDT
How to replicate Run activity from Action menu, in Event and Action configuration?
When we run an activity from the rule itself, we would click action and run, then a window will pop up containing parameter(s), rule name, CL, ID, Run Context, Clipboard, Trace, Run and other details. When we execute the rule, another window would also pop up would also pop up to indicate whether there is an error or the activity was successfully executed.
How do we replicate this using "Click" event and "Run Activity" action?
Tried to use WBRun activity where I pass an acivity's .pzInskey as parameter but it doesn't have the same window with the same details (no Clipboard, Trace buttons and pop up window indicating execution status). Any other methods, not just click event and run activity action, are welcome. Thanks
***Edited by Moderator Marije to change type from Pega Academy to Product, added Product details and Capability tags****