How to redirect anonymous ssesion after browser restored
So we're using a anonymous authentication service to allow unauthentified user to start and run a case.
And the testers here tried a very specific scenario: connect using the URL linked to the Anonymous Authentication Service and have a case automatically started and then intentionnaly crashing the browser. Only to launch the browser again and use the browser/tab restoration feature commonly provided by browsers these days.
Problem is Pega is (quite as expectedly) unable to restore the anonymous session and then is defaulting back to the standard login screen.
Of course the anonymous users targeted here are not supposed to ever being proposed this login screen. The expected behavior here would be to have then redirected back to the initial URL, starting a new case. Or at the very least to some adhoc screen informing they have to start over again, with a button/link trhat can be clicked to go back to the initial URL.
I was more or less hoping for an equivalent to the "Authentication fail screen" option found on Custom Authentication Service but there is no such thing on Anonymous Authentication Service surhc as the one we're using here.
So here I am hoping for some advice.
Frédéri Pochard