
Last activity: 5 Jun 2024 9:54 EDT
How to pass URL dynamically in excel
Hi Team,
We are trying to send email everyday in the morning with excel attachment where it contains assigned task details and links to individual tasks. URL changes depending on environment.
We can able to generate dynamic URL as text using syntax {Results.pxResults().HyperLink} where Results is "step page". But we need it as link and when user clicks on it, it should get redirected and task should be opened in new tab.
Kindly share the solution to this. Thank you
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Hi Team,
Kindly share your thoughts as we are reaching deadline. We are using activity for this.
Thank you

HCL Technologies Limited
I hope you would have binary file rule as template for this. can you make the column of text url as hyperlink in your template excel and then upload it in binary file rule.
Steps to make it link
1) Select the column where you have {Results.pxResults().HyperLink} in binary file.
2) Right click the cell and select link -> insert link
3) in the address, give the above value "{Results.pxResults().HyperLink}" and save the file.
4) upload back in binary file rule and save it.
Let me know if this works.

@Balasubramaniam Thank you for the reply, we tried it rather than taking text url as hyperlink it is taking the syntax "{Results.pxResults().HyperLink}" as url and trying to open https://{Results.pxResults().HyperLink}/ like this and giving "not found" error

Updated: 15 May 2024 10:23 EDT

HCL Technologies Limited
In the template excel, Please select the range of cell where link text will be generated. Go to home tab under styles tab->click on cell styles-> select hyperlink. save the file and upload back in binary file rule. Now, you try to generate excel. It should show as hyperlink. It worked for me.

HCL Technologies Limited
Any update on this?

Unfortunately, this didn't worked for us as excel is not showing this option for us in cell styles. Tried adding custom also but not working.
Any alternative for this.

HCL Technologies Limited
could you please share the screenshot of excel with options?

Pegasystems Inc.
1. Generate the dynamic URL as you are currently doing with the syntax {Results.pxResults().HyperLink}. 2. To make this URL clickable and open in a new tab, you can use HTML content. In the post-action activity, append the HTML content of the link to the property. This can be done by creating a new Paragraph rule with source only mode enabled and include the following code: <a href= \"<pega:reference name=\"param.DeepLinkURL\"></pega:reference>\" target=\"_blank\"> <pega:reference name=\"param.DeepLinkURL\"></pega:reference> </a> 3. Include the above paragraph rule in the place of param.DeepLinkURL in the existing paragraph rule. This will make the URL clickable and open in a new tab when the user clicks on it.

Unable to send screen shot due to excel functionality.
We don't have any post action activity as we are using jobschduler to send mail at particular time with excel attachment and attachment consists of taskID, status and others including hyperlink property. Hyperlink property is build directly as "Param.URL + "/" + Param.TaskID", where as URL is environmetal specific, so we can't pass it as source in paragraph rule.
Kindly Suggest another option.