
TATA Consultancy Services Ltd
Last activity: 27 Jan 2022 16:50 EST
How to dynamically pass values to column in report.
Hi All,
I have to two issues
1. I have two reports. Report 1 and report2
Report2 have three columns of three consecutive years price.
As per requirement I need to add one new column (Eg: XYZ)in Report1 and that column should populate the value from Report 2 value as if that caseid in Report2 contains three years price it should show the 3 year pro\ice in Report 1 XYZ column .if 3 year not there and the priority will take 2 nd year price if not it should take 1st year price for XYZ column in Report1.
2.I need to add new column "Passed Deadline1: if Deadline is > "1 month ago" and <= "3 months ago" . It should show "Yes", else "No" in report.
Could you please help on how to achieve this.
Thanks in advance