
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 6 Dec 2016 7:45 EST
How to pass Page type param from Activity to Report Definition
I am trying to pass Clipboard-Page as parameter from an activity to a Report Definition. Is it possible?
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Coforge DPA
Its not possible to pass page as parameter to RD, as RD has only scalar properties as parameter.
Instead of passing as parameter, why can't we join the class to fetch the values of that page.

Pegasystems Inc.
Acutally, the page, I am trying to pass to RD, is a top-level temporary page. As the data is not available in DB, so I can join the class to fetch the values.

I am trying to pass Clipboard-Page as parameter from an activity to a Report Definition. Is it possible?
Please provide the use case for this. You can use pxRetrieveReportData activity to invoke the report definition from the activity. Please refer to this help topic -

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Rajiv,
The use-case is as follow. I am filtering the RD on the basis of value(s) in a Value-List available in clipboard page. See as follow:
Now, I want to reuse the same RD, but with different Clipboard-Page data. In that case, either I need to pass page (Here PAGE=ReporteesPgSalesFuturecast; VALUE-LIST=Reportees ) as parameter to RD or Value-list as param.
Let me know, if you think we can have another workaround.

Pegasystems Inc.
If the requirement is related to IN clause for reportees. This can be achieved by passing a param with all values in value list as comma separated.
param.Reportees = "Reportee1","Reportee2","Reportee3"
This way reusability can be achieved while fulfilling the same requirement.
Let us know if this helps.

So if you have a parameter named Param.ownerUserID and set its value to "ReporteesPgSalesFuturecase.Reportees", and in the filter refer to Param.ownerUserID, it is not working?
That said, you can iterate over "ReporteesPgSalesFuturecase.Reportees" in your activity and concatenate the values as a comma separated list of values
"value1","value2","value3" and put that in a parameter, say Param.ownerUserID, and use that parameter in the filters of the RD to get the same effect. If you reuse the same report and you have a different page name, your calling activity can set this parameter with the values in that page's valuelist property.

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes, I am sure, it will work. But do you have any idea, how large size it will work with? Because in our case the Reportees value-list is fetching all organization hierarchy for an operator. For scalability it can go very large, though we didn't see any issue untill now.

Is there a way in which you can keep the PageName common? You might have used the name ReporteesPgSalesFuturecase in order to categorise and identify the data. However, you may want to check whether such a naming is really required. If we use a common page name like SalesCase, we will be able to reuse the RD. The alternate approach to get to a common page is to create a temppage and set the value list on it and use the same in RD. However, it doesnt look pretty.

Pegasystems Inc.
I have thought about this approach of keeping the same name, but it will not work because of the following reason.
We are using these in DataPage-Loader activities for Dashboard Widgets. And say, both the widgets are available and if I give the same common page, data will change for both the widget, though we changed the hierarchy for only 1 widget. As the thread is common, this looks to be an issue.

I think this functionality can be achieved using subreports. Consider the following:
A Main Report - Select "pyOwnerUserID", "other work object details" from "work table"
Sub Report - Select Reportee from ReporteeInfo table where Manager = "Current user"
All the rows of main report where pyOwberUserID = Reportee of subreport will be your data set.
Please refer to the following article as well:

The number of values get limited to a certain number and it is very database vendor specific. You may want to refer to this external forum discussion -