Atos Syntel
Last activity: 4 Dec 2017 16:11 EST
How to pass argument to Calendar parameter in TimeDifferenceBusinessDays(aCalendar,strStart,nDays,nHours,nMinutes,nSeconds) function
I learned from a post in PDN that you can use this function in a java step like below and it also worked for me.
java.util.Calendar cal=java.util.Calendar.getInstance();
String D1 = pega_rules_datetime.TimeDifferenceBusinessDays(cal,"20171129T010000.000 GMT",1,1,1,1);
Below are my questions regarding this function
1. Is it only possible to use this function in java step and not in the form of expressions of expression builder, cause i tried passing values like USDefault, Default in expression builder for calendar parameter and it gave me error.
2. If it can be used only in java step, how can we pass a different calendar than the default one?
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