How to parse json string in Pega 6.2 sp2
I have a CONNECT REST Service returning me a json response. By creating the classes & properties I have mapped all the response data onto clipboard properties. One of the propertiy value itself is a string in json format. How can I parse this json string & set the name value pairs into sub-properties in that page? Java parsing code requires importing of JSON packages
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;
which throws an error in Pega.
The JSON Response from REST service in SOAP UI is as below:
Note the selectedProviders element in red is the one containing the json string that needs to be parsed. I have shortened the json string so please excuse any sytax errors, but hope u understood what I am looking for
"result": {
"transactionId": "S5383520160702T061426191",
"selectedProviders": { "ts": "278571179974", "txnid": "123456789ABCDEF0", "network": "52", "psc": "199367", "fipsCountyCode": "NE1234", "cmsCountyCode": "5678"}
"status": {"messages": [ {
"code": "1000",
"name": "SUCCESS",
"severity": "INFO",
"description": "Successful service call",
"transactionId": "487d4f0f-aacc-42ca-b745-d273c955444a"
PLEASE don't ask me to upgrade which I will be doing next year!!