How to obtain a lock without using obj-refresh-and-lock ?I
I am trying to open a queued item in System-Queue-ExecutionRequest-Service-Default class on a page, perfrom some processing on the item and then commit the page. While doing this, the lock i obtain during obj-open-by-handle times out before i commit. If I try obj-refresh-and-lock, system throws me an error : Received SQL Exception attempting to obtain exposed pxUpdateDateTime value: code: 207 SQLState: S0001 Message: Invalid column name 'pxUpdateDateTime'.
Perhaps because obj-refresh-and-lock compares the pxUpdateDateTime and the locks the object and the DB table corresponding to my queue class does not have pxUpdateDateTime as a dedicated column. Can anybody suggest a way to obtain a lock without using obj-refresh-and-lock method ?
***Edited by Moderator: Pooja Gadige to update product version***