
Last activity: 11 Feb 2019 7:54 EST
how to modify pxobjclass in a class mapped with external table
Hi all,
I have a class mapped with an external table. I am trying to set the pxobjclass from my activity. But it is getting overridden with a null value during obj-save. Need help in showing a way to set the pxobjclass
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Pegasystems Inc.
Can we have a screen shot of your Activity to better understand your needs? Maybe you can use Page-Change-Class method but I'm not sure to understand your exact problem.

Thank you for your quick response. I am attaching the activity screenshot. Ideally i am doing a property-set to set the other fields and then i am doing an Obj-Save. In between these two steps, i tried:
1. Page-Change-Class
2. Property-Set-Special
3.Obj-Open and then Property-Set-Special( Read some article in PDN that obj-open should be done before we set the pxobjclass)
But none of the above trials worked. Actually till the step before the Obj-Save, the value is getting set but after obj-save, it is throwing a warning and value is again nullified. tracer screenshot is also attached. Please check!!!
Ionut Hamin

Pegasystems Inc.
I can see the problem but I'm not understanding the business or technical needs here. Your class is pointing to an External Table and shouldn't anymore? Can you clarify the exact requirement here?

Updated: 18 Sep 2018 6:08 EDT

BlueRose Technologies Private Limited
I guess you can create a new column with different name instead of pxObjClass for your requirement and map the class name to that column after doing obj-open, then do obj-save.
You can pull the data from that column whenever it is required.

Hi Bhagyasri,
Thank you for the approach. However it didn't work for me as one of the PEGA OOTB activities is looking for value in pxObjClass :(
So, I somehow need to update the pxObjClass value in an activity/DT.
Anyone can help please?

HI, We had a similar issue at my site and we used two different approaches (in two different applications), both of which worked;
- We added pxObjClass to the external table. Not ideal, but it satisfied PRPC's requirement for it.
- We used RDB-Save method (and the other RDB ones) to directly save the data without needing pxObjClass at all. It meant we had to customise more OOTB code but as we were comfortable doing that it wasn't much of an issue.
I hope this helps.