
Tata Consultancy Services
Last activity: 3 Jun 2020 2:24 EDT
How to make radio button has default value which is getting from the Rest API
I have a requirement with click of Edit, a layover pane must open containing details with 3 options Yes, No, Not Given.The option which is customer's Options - must be Pre-selected. This Pre-selected value is coming from the Rest-API.
I have created a Text property with local list Yes, No and Not Given with 3 options and i have created local action on the Edit button to call section. In section i have taken the radio button and mapped the property which i created with local list. But how to make the radio button with pre-select value which is coming from the API in customer details.
I have stuck to map the pre-select value to the radio button.
Can any one help how to make the radio button with pre-select value which is coming from the API in customer details.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****