How to login automatically to Pega Call
I am trying to perform an automatic login on Pega Call when the Portal (CS for Insurance Portal) is launched. To do it, I am trying to replicate the same steps that are executed on click of the Login button. That is: SetOptions (Data Transform), SetInitialData (DT), ValidateLoginPage (Activity) and finally telephonyLogin (JS function defined on Text File pega_cti_CTIControlPanel).
My approach: I included a Section (custom HTML code) which calls an Activity. This Activity executes the 2 Data Transforms and the Activity, and after that, method Show-HTML to load an HTML Fragment which will call the telephonyLogin function (before that, it fetches the values that it needs to pass to the function from parameters).
The problem is that the telephonyLogin function never seems to be executed, even though the Activity is executed (all the steps visible on the Tracer, even Show-HTML one).
Any idea if the approach is correct, or maybe I can take a different one to tackle this requirement?
Thank you.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****