Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 5 Apr 2016 0:27 EDT
How to launch multiple PRPC browser windows to view cases and keep each session unique?
We have an internal application which provides a link to PRPC cases as part of a call center solution, It appears that if we click on one link to view an initial case, everything works. If we click on a second link to open a second case; even though we open a new window, data from the original case is presented (ie data on requestor-level data pages etc.). If we start a fresh browser session this does not occur. Is there a way we can build this capability into the link which launches the new ie window?
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Accepted Solution
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Michael,
Why popup windows? The other application not PRPC?
Do you need the ability to view more than one case at a time, multiple popup windows? This has to be done by using separate thread pages. You could call the activity RedirectAndRun each time you launch a window providing a unique thread page name, ThreadName parameter, then what to run in the Location parameter. This way every case is separate, just like it would be if displayed in a tabbed work area etc.
The big problem with this is that you have to worry about the cleanup thread pages when done with the window. Meaning the calling application has to do things to keep track of the windows and thread pages and make sure cleanup is done. When using the result is the window handle so you can keep track and even close child windows from parent window. This could get a little crazy.
A better solution maybe to use one window for the PRPC content that using a tabbed display. Once the window is there the parent could simply execute some JavaScript, openWorkByHandle etc, in the child window to launch a new work object tab. This will keep work objects in separate thread pages and then you don't have to worry about cleanup. You can set max tabs etc.
Which version of PRPC you are in? If it is PRPC6.2SP2 there is HFix-8416 available
You can try adding the "-noframemerging" parameter to IE so that the target of the shortcut looks like:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -noframemerging
This will help keep your PRPC sessions separate (but may not fully fix the issue). See
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Gangababu - we are on PRPC 7.1.7. Interestingly, the issue does not occur using Chrome. That url does not seem to work any longer.
Accepted Solution
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Michael,
Why popup windows? The other application not PRPC?
Do you need the ability to view more than one case at a time, multiple popup windows? This has to be done by using separate thread pages. You could call the activity RedirectAndRun each time you launch a window providing a unique thread page name, ThreadName parameter, then what to run in the Location parameter. This way every case is separate, just like it would be if displayed in a tabbed work area etc.
The big problem with this is that you have to worry about the cleanup thread pages when done with the window. Meaning the calling application has to do things to keep track of the windows and thread pages and make sure cleanup is done. When using the result is the window handle so you can keep track and even close child windows from parent window. This could get a little crazy.
A better solution maybe to use one window for the PRPC content that using a tabbed display. Once the window is there the parent could simply execute some JavaScript, openWorkByHandle etc, in the child window to launch a new work object tab. This will keep work objects in separate thread pages and then you don't have to worry about cleanup. You can set max tabs etc.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Chris - yes the other application is NOT PRPC. It is an application developed by the customer. I believe they want to see multiple windows so they can compare data within each of the individual work objects. I will provide them with your guidance. I may return and update this thread if they have additional questions. Thanks!
I notice my IE shortcut has the switch -nomerge in it, which is a bit different than suggested above. You may want to see if this switch is of use to you. /Eric
Pegasystems Inc.
Thats an intriguing option, but if we are launching from a link, how do we make sure we utilize that switch?
You can ignore the -nomerge option. This was available in pre-release versions of Internet Explorer 8. This option has been superseded by the -noframemerging option.
This has the net effect of preventing session merging, but it looks like -nosessionmerging is likely even better.
"Internet Explorer 8 and later versions. Internet Explorer 8 and later versions. Prevents Internet Explorer from merging tab processes and thus sharing session cookies across tabs. Even if you have the –framemerging feature turned on (which it is by default; see above), specifying this option will isolate your tabs into separate processes and prevent session sharing, even if those tabs are associated with the same frame process."
But unfortunately, I believe none of these options will help you here unless you had control over everyone's registry, or were able to reconfigure all of their IE shortcuts.
Plus as you implied, I'm not sure if this feature would meet your needs even if it were on. You'd have to do some PoCs and test it out.
Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks Chris,
This is exactly what we have gone with. The calling application is rebuilding their URL and placing the RedirectAndRun activity in the URL rather than just the "Open"activity. We are passing that activity name in as a paramter to the RedirectAndRun.