
United health group
Last activity: 19 Oct 2015 8:38 EDT
How to handle unauthorised delete action
Hi Team,
When a unauthorized person delete tries to delete any instances I should capture the error message and log it.
Pega is calling some default delete activity and a sequence of activities which I want to customize for this requirement but all r final rules.
Can you suggest me how to handle this issue
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Pegasystems Inc.
I dont think it is possible to customize the delete activities as per your business needs.
I would suggest you to restrict the user from deleting instances by applying proper access roles on his access group.

United health group
Thank you Bhattacherjee,
My requirement is to log such actions. We have security setting to prevent users from deleting .
We want to track and log such attempts.

Pegasystems Inc.
I would then recommend you to go thru the below three help article from PDN which talks about the security audit log :Hope this helps.

United health group
Hi Bhattacherjee,
My application is on PEGA 6.1 SP2.Although the links you shared were good ,tey are on pega 7.1.9.
Security policy setting is not present in PEGA 6.1 .
And declare trigger would trigger if a rule is deleted in my case the user doesnot have priveleges to delete it. He is attemting to delete and I have to capture it.

Pegasystems Inc.
How you are restricting your user from deletion ? Can you please share some screenshot with steps you followed to impose this restriction ?

United health group
Hi Bhattacherjee,
Usually we do it using Roles, priveleges so the same way my team implemented it.
My requirement is to capture the msg when a unprivileged user attempts to delete a rule.
But as all the rules being triggered there are final rules I am not able to customize the activities.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Pavani, Good Morning!
>>> Usually we do it using Roles, privileges so the same way my team implemented it.
the developer rule form wouldn't show up the delete icon, if i'm not wrong or at least it wouldn't allow submit on rule delete action.
please refer: Re: How to allow only PrivateCheckOuts of Rules using Security Permissions?
>>> My requirement is to capture the msg when a unprivileged user attempts to delete a rule.
the developer rule form wouldn't show up the delete icon. if it is the case, we will not be able to perform delete action
>>> But as all the rules being triggered there are final rules I am not able to customize the activities.
any DT rules we could customize? CloseDefaults or NewDefaults/PerformDefaults/pyDefault to write history in a pagelist property or to a specific database table as a user work action.
and generally - users with limited access or having special privileges will be associated with an access group.
Please share your thoughts/comments, Thank you!

United health group
Hi Phani,
Could you please explain in detail. I didn't understand the above reply.
I am actually looking for a trigger to handle attempts to delete a rule by unprivileged users.
I have triggers to handle check in .checkout,delet checkout, save,delete actions for privileged users.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Pavani,
What message are you trying to capture? From Phani's reply, he is stating that based on the roles/privileges you can set it up so users don't have access to perform the Delete action. The referenced community discussion above (please refer: Re: How to allow only PrivateCheckOuts of Rules using Security Permissions?) provides some details on this topic.