
BlueRose Technologies
Last activity: 7 Jul 2017 12:44 EDT
How to group by on grouped records in a Report Definition?
Hi All,
I have requirement on a report which says to pull the count of open, resolved and withdrawn sub-cases of every parent case as below. Both the parent case and sub-cases are queried on the same work pool table. We have marked a property (LIQID) on every sub-case which contains the parent case's pyID. PFA doc for design screenshots.
I have two queries in specific in the process of trying a solution for the above.
1. I have tried grouping by on LIQID so that it will pull all sub-cases of a parent LIQ case but the group by clause is not generating just on LIQID but on all other columns. How to achieve this?
2. Once achieving the above, I have to query on each group to pull the count of open, withdrawn and resolved sub-cases in a list-view format.
Parent Case ID | Count of Open Sub-cases | Count of Withdrawn sub-cases | Count of resolved sub-cases
Thanks a lot in advance.
Giridhar M