
Virtusa UK Ltd
Last activity: 4 Jun 2021 12:55 EDT
How to get pxFlow susbscript with same assignment created in parallel flows
I have a scenario where I do split-for-each and each flow creates an assignment and moves to a workbasket. For example if the split-for-each list size is 3 and 3 assignments created for a flow name 'F', I will have pxFlow as pxFlow(F), pxFlow(F_1) and pxFlow(F_2). Each of this pxFlow contains its own assignment handle
I have an agent which needs to move the case out of workbasket for the any of the assignments created above which meets certain business conditions. In case if the third assignment meets the business condition, I need to use 'ResumeFlow' activity by passing the flowaction name and the flow name. Here the flow name has to be the subscript of the pxFlow. In this case its F_3. I need to tell the agent the pxFlow subscript while queueing.
How do I actually get it when the assignment is created so that I can send it to agent while queueing? I think I can get that within NewDefaults extension point by parsing pxInsName. Is there any other option?
Also please advise if there is a different way other than ResumeFlow to complete the assignment within agent.