
K L University
Last activity: 15 Feb 2019 4:07 EST
How to filter all the values in Page list
Hi ,
There is a Page List and Dropdown,Dropdown down will get sourced from Report Definition and All the values in Page List should get filterd out ,Can some one pls help me to acheive this Requirement.
Thanks in Advance
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Hi @NagarjunaP2697,
can you please elaborate more?
Do you want to combine results from report definition and filtered values page list results? What exactly is your requirement?

K L University
There is a drop down which is sourced from Report Definition where operators will be there ,The Team Lead have to select the Operator the work has to be assigned ,Suppose A,B,C are three operators if Team Lead Select A and if A rejects it ,the A option Should get removed from the dropdown ,and again team Lead will have a option to assign Work but A will not be there,Yes Iam able to acheive this by filter condition .pyUseridentifier != Param.Selected ,But after A rejected ,Team Lead will select one of the two B or C ,even if B rejects it and B is getting removed but A is getting appeared again ,So for this there is no loop in RD filter Condition(the recently selected is getting removed but not all selected),Is there any alternative to acheive this

Hi ,
Can you try OBJ-Filter method to filter pagelist values.
please let me know if you need further clarifications.

K L University
Can you please help me in acheiving this or provide me some source where I can get it
Sushanth Kommera Oleg Shepelev Mithun P

Areteans Technologies
Hi Nagarjuna,
I believe the initial logic you are using to retrieve the whole list might be sourced from Operators list on skill based or any internal logic specific to your application. Whereas, the rejected list will be exclusive to your WO and has to be maintained at the instance level by capturing the details whenever a user rejects that WO. Hence the logic should be the display of exhaustive list excluding the rejected list specific to the WO. This way, you can eliminate all the rejected users and also it would be useful for reporting purpose just in case if your Client is interested to view the list of workparties who has rejected the case.

K L University
Hai LakshmiSravanya ,
Exactly thats my rquirement display of exhaustive list excluding the rejected list, how to acheive this I could not find any filter condition in Report Definition
Report Definition Screenshot is Attached.
Thank you.

You give the dropdown source as one toplevel page as 'OperatorsList.pxResults'. Now, You can call data transform or activity[to fetch the data from report definition depending on condition and store results in 'OperatorsList.pxResults'] when you configure the source for dropdown[Please find the attachment for the same] there you can write the logic to populate the top level page list 'OperatorsList.pxResults'.
Now, when user selects one operatorA and when this OperatorA rejects the case, then you need to store it in one next time when your dropdown will be displayed you just pass the this 'RejectedList'[text] property as param to report definition in activity.
Now you got the list which does not include the 'OperatorA' in it, now, when user selects Operator C and Operator C also rejects the case then you will append OperatorC value in 'RejectedList'[Text] property which will make value of that property to 'OperatorA, OperatorC'.
so next time when user sees the dropdown, activity will run->'RejectedList will be passed as param containing value as 'OperatorA, OperatorC' to report definition, -> copy report data to 'OperatorsList.pxResults'.

K L University
Thanks for your answer ,
I got the requirement and its working fine ,I used three activities ,to open Report Definition,to retrieve data to data page from RD then to delete the rejected operator Id in the record.
Sandy Pow