
Select all rows of a grid for all pages and all filters
I have a grid where the first column has a checkbox for selecting the row. I also have a checkbox in the header of the first column. When the column header checkbox is clicked I wish for every row show on every page to be automatically selected. If a column in the grid is being filtered I only want those filtered rows to be selected and for every page. One way I tried was to call an activity upon clicking of the checkbox and programmitically setting pySelected for each row on the clipboard but when a column is filtered this won't work. It will have selected all rows, not just the filtered ones. I have come across a number of questions on this but seemingly no answers that I can tell. How can I accomplish what I am trying to do?
***Edited by Moderator: Lochan to update platform capability tags***
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OOTB "Bulk actions" feature also has similar setting on selecting all rows of a grid.
To see the details, you can launch Case Manager Portal, click on operator and select 'Bulk actions' and then select 'Process', a table with cases will be displayed. The first column has a checkbox for selecting the row. There is also a checkbox in the header of the first column which is used to select all rows.

It only selects all rows on the current page. It does not select all rows on all pages

You filter out rows by some condition, right?
Just use the same condition in the activity you mentioned

I filter out rows by making selections in the column header filter. There are some clipboard pages storing the filter criteria when a user sets filters on a column header. It looks rather complex. Perhaps I could analyze what pega is storing on the clipboard for the filter criteria and programmatically figure out what the user actually filtered but not sure.

Wow. So there really isn't a good way to do this in Pega

For filtering and selecting the rows in the grid, you would need a custom pagination activity(don't see an simpler OOTB option) in the grid which can be specified in the Table(grid) properties in General tab.In the pagination activity, you have to copy the filters to a temp page and call your report definition which can filter the results.
Refer this pagination activity "pzQueueItemsPaginate" referred in section rule "pxQueueStatusItems" in pega 8. Pega uses these in re-queuing items in Admin studio. In this section it filters and selects only the filtered row.

Which version of Pega are you on? I will try to look for some options for you. Thanks!

Also, you please review this post, not an exact requirement, but a similar scenario -
Thank you

Ive been able to get around that issue by copying some functionality used in BulkProcess but it still doesn't solve my issue of selecting all rows on all pages