
BNY Mellon
Last activity: 18 Jul 2017 10:40 EDT
How to expire node level Data (Declare) Page on all the nodes?
From PDN - questions asked a few times back into 2013 (in January, in April, in June).
Is there a JMX API for this?
I suppose a service could be built to accept a data (declare) page name, and expire on that server, and call via connector.
Related - what's the API to supply the list of all nodes within the current cluster?
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Accepted Solution

BNY Mellon
Addressed in v7.1.7, apparently:
- For Node-scoped data pages, the system removes data page instances from all nodes in the cluster.

Pegasystems Inc.
There is an operation getNodes() in MBean: You can find all Pega MBeans using JConsole.

Pegasystems Inc.
can we reffer to OOTB activity 'FlushDeclarativePage' in class 'Rule-Declare-Pages' in ruleset 'Pega-SystemArchitect:07-10-07'?. [please note: It will not expire all the node level data pages across all nodes]

BNY Mellon
Sure, refer to it.
re: It will not expire all the node level data pages across all nodes
Well, that's what we're after here.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Jon, Good Morning!
When a rule is updated the change would be propagated to other nodes via OOTB database table 'pr_sys_updatescache' in a multi-node environment.
So can we attempt to update the rule in this table to propagate the change?
- If we could do, we may need to learn how to do. Sorry Jon.
So can we attempt to update the rule in this table to propagate the change?
fyi - the table has 7 columns with pxSystemName, pxNodeName, pxCreateDateTime declared as class keys.
so to update a record in the table would the following steps makes sense...
- create a Report definition on the class to retrieve instances
- Loop through pxResults and perform Obj-Delete like...
Please share your thoughts, Thank you!

BNY Mellon
I think you're going off track here.
One could simply build a service which calls FlushDeclarativePage.

Pegasystems Inc.
sorry Jon!
Accepted Solution

BNY Mellon
Addressed in v7.1.7, apparently:
- For Node-scoped data pages, the system removes data page instances from all nodes in the cluster.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Jon and phani,
The article mentions about pega 7. Do you know if this applies to pega 6 as well. Because we have similar requirement to refresh all the nodes whenever a declare page is updated.
Thank you,

Pegasystems Inc.
This only applies to Pega 7. You will have to choose proper refresh strategy to update the node level data page.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Pankaj,
Thank you for the response.
The following information is from PDN. It mentions, depending when the load activity has run on a node, the declare pages may not be always identical. How to ensure that they are always identical on all nodes, whenever a declare page is updated.
For a multi-node system, depending on when the first user runs the load activity on the node, and what refresh rate is specified for that Declare Pages instance, the pages created on each node for this instance may not be exactly identical to each other at every second. However, since they are all using the same rule definition in the system for this Declare Pages instance, the pages on each node across the system should have pretty much the same information.

We can use below solution even for older versions
1)Create agent which should run on all the nodes
2) Call the below function for each data page in agent activity then all the data peges will expire
3)then refer each data page in same agent activity steps to recreate declare page with latest data at the same time , which will avoid to load the data when application access declare page first time.