
Avaya india
Last activity: 15 Dec 2016 12:00 EST
How do we map a class to Database table?
How do we map a class to Database table?
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Will be the same in Pega 7.
You can go through the SENIOR SYSTEM ARCHITECT (7.1) course Integration lesson on Interacting with an External Database.

Please go through this help topic -

Accenture Australia
Hi Saritha,
If you want to map a class to the data base table means you have to consider it is external DB or pega DB.For the pega DB the class will automatically map to the default pega data table.If you want to see this, go to the data class and click on test connection. If you want to map the class to another table which is of new, create a database table from the records--> sysadmin --> database table.Their you will find the database and the class and you can check their also.Let me know if requirement completes or not.
Thank you.

Avaya india
Hi DilipKumar,

Incessant Technologies
Types of classes in PRPC
PRPC creates two kinds of classes’
Abstract class
Concrete class.
Types of classes in PRPC
PRPC creates two kinds of classes’
Abstract class
Concrete class.
Abstract class is not associated with any DB table and it cannot have instances. For Concrete class there are two sub categories.
For both of these categories the class is linked to a DB table. In case a class belong to Class-Group the instance of this class will be stored in DB table which is linked to Class-Group. If class does not belong to Class Group then it will have its own DB table.
In above discussion for all kind of classes the DB table will be decided and created by PRPC.
External Classes in PRPC
A class in PRPC which is linked to database outside PRPC DB is called external class. To create class which are mapped to external table you need to do following things in PRPC.
Create Database Rule - this will be used to establish connection with external DB instance.
Create a table in external Database.
Use External Database Table Class Mapping wizard to create Class for Table created in above step. You can create properties linked to each column in DB table.
To check the PRPC table link to DB class
Right click on class name in App Explorer and select Definition option.
Click on Test Connection button to see the table name where class is pointing to.
Hope this helps you understand the class and its mapping in PRPC.
Vigneshwaran S Neeharika Madduri

Avaya india
Hi RajeshYadav,