How to Connect to an external DB using JNDI DataSource Object?
I was trying to connect to an external DB using a DataSource Object with JNDI Naming service. I want to get the connection in side a java step.
Below is the code I'm trying,
HashStringMap keysMap = new HashStringMap();
ClipboardPage dbPage = tools.getDatabase().open(keysMap,false);
javax.naming.Context ctx = new InitialContext();
javax.sql.DataSource ds = new DataSource();
ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup(dbPage.getString("pyDataSourceJNDIName"));
java.sql.Connection Conn = ds.getConnection(dbPage.getString("pyDBUser"),dbPage.getString("pyDBPassword"));
String query = "select * from dual....";
java.sql.PreparedStatement cs= Conn.prepareStatement(query);
java.sql.ResultSet result = cs.executeQuery();
But the activity can't resolve Context and DataSource objects. Are there any predefined libraries to include or any other way to get the connection?
Please help.
Note: Connection is fine with JDBC URL.