
Rules Cube Inc.
Last activity: 11 Feb 2016 22:44 EST
How to clear selection for a radio button
Hi Team,
I have two properties in a section with control as radio button and i want to display another section based on the selected radio button. If i select one radio button another radio button selection must be cleared to display section related to selected radio button.
Please help me to identify how i can achieve this.
Venkatesh G.
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Accepted Solution

Rules Cube Inc.
Hi Murali,
Thanks for your reply, what I have done is on click of radio button post value and refresh section to set flag for visible conditions. I have two radio buttons here and Problem is when I select one radio button another radio button is not getting cleared . Because of that the clipboard value is having previous value for other radio button.
Venkatesh G

Hi Venkatesh,
Hope On change Refresh section with a Data transform to reset the property value will be solving this.

Rules Cube Inc.
Hi Aruldevan,
I have already tried that no luck with it.
Venkatesh G.

Hi Venkatesh,
Could you be please elaborate what exact is not working.
Are you not able to reset the value of a property on change of another radio button?
Updated: 10 Feb 2016 5:40 EST

Rules Cube Inc.
Hi Aruldevan,
I have two seperate radio buttons say Claim,Auth and based on the selection we are populating some other sections. In Claim we have two radio button options as Claim ID, Date Range and for Auth we have AuthID, Date Range. So, if i select Claim ID then it should show section related to Claim only. Instead it is displaying both Claim and Auth related sections because both are selected. I am resetting the selected property value to empty after selecting Claim or Auth.
Venkatesh G.

Hi Venkatesh,
Could you please attach a sample screen shot of the mentioned scenario.
Hope you are using two different property; Claim whose values will be Claim id and date range (Showed as radio button) and another property Auth whose values will be auth id and date range (Shown as radio buttons).
When you are selecting any of the options in the Claim, the section related tot he claim should be displayed, if same for the other.
When you are selecting any (if in claim) the other values (auth radio buttons) should be set to null, so that only one section will be visible based on the selected option.
Let me know if my assumption is correct.

Rules Cube Inc.
yes that is correct.

Hi Venkatesh,
Could you please share us the screen shot of the logic which you are using to reset the values and also the visibility conditions of the sections included.
Robert Leitch

Rules Cube Inc.
Hi Aruldevan,
Your assumption is right. All the visible conditions and references are correct only.
Do you have any solution to clear the radiobutton selection? I have tried resetting the property value to empty and refreshing the section.
Venkatesh G

I have tried the mentioned scenario and it works fine for me.
That' the reason why i'm looking into the configurations.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Venkatesh, Good morning!
could we try associating Edit Input to the radio button property?
StringMap activityMap = new HashStringMap();
activityMap.putString("pxObjClass", "Rule-Obj-Activity");
ParameterPage pp = new ParameterPage();
activityMap.putString("pyClassName", "<ActivityClassName>");
activityMap.putString("pyActivityName", "ActivityName");
tools.doActivity(activityMap, tools.getPrimaryPage(), null);
also could we learn the below two points...
- radio button control being referenced (like Local Radio, *pzRadioButton...)
- and where the property is configured? like a flat/simple section or grid repeat or tree grid ...
Please share your observations/thoughts, Thank you!
Updated: 10 Feb 2016 13:51 EST

Rules Cube Inc.
Hi Phani,
Thanks for your post. I didn't understand the above code, please help me understand by how it will clear the radio button selection !
- radio button control being referenced (like Local Radio, *pzRadioButton...<< I'm using pxRadioButton
- and where the property is configured? like a flat/simple section or grid repeat or tree grid<<it referred in normal section
One more thing I have seen similar requirement in pega survey questionnaire where we have an option for clearing radio button selection as Clear Selection.
The control name starts with ClearSelection.. I am not able to understand that code for using it on the action of radio button click.
Venkatesh G

Pegasystems Inc.
the activity would toggle the Visible When indicators applied on section rules...

Rules Cube Inc.
Hi Phani,
I have tried doing the same but no luck with it. All the visible conditions are working fine and respective sections are populating correctly.
But unfortunately radio button selection is not getting cleared.
Venkatesh G.

Sorry for jumping into conversation, but following checks might help:
When the respective sections are populated correctly, did you check the Clipboard for the value of radio button property? Is it having expected value?
If not might be trying to Post Value or Refresh Section (section having radio button) might help.
Accepted Solution

Rules Cube Inc.
Hi Murali,
Thanks for your reply, what I have done is on click of radio button post value and refresh section to set flag for visible conditions. I have two radio buttons here and Problem is when I select one radio button another radio button is not getting cleared . Because of that the clipboard value is having previous value for other radio button.
Venkatesh G