
Last activity: 24 May 2018 0:51 EDT
How can I pass values from property to page list
Hi team
I create page list to store notes value and create Data Transform with name "ListOfNote" , now i'm trying to store the value of the note property ".pynote" in the page list and display the page list at the end of the case ,how can I do that?
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EPAM Systems, Inc.
Thanks for posting on PSC. If I understand your requirement correctly, there is a pagelist let say, "testPageList" and it consists of "pynote" property. Now the requirement is to add or append the value of "pyNote" at the last of "testPageList". Correct me, If my understanding of your use-case is wrong. Also, share the detailed description for better understanding.
If my understanding is correct and there is already a data transform "ListOfNotes" which is used to populate the pagelist with pyNote.
Thanks for posting on PSC. If I understand your requirement correctly, there is a pagelist let say, "testPageList" and it consists of "pynote" property. Now the requirement is to add or append the value of "pyNote" at the last of "testPageList". Correct me, If my understanding of your use-case is wrong. Also, share the detailed description for better understanding.
If my understanding is correct and there is already a data transform "ListOfNotes" which is used to populate the pagelist with pyNote.
Data Transform form
Use the Append and Map to action to append a page to the target Page List mode property and set the context to that page for subsequent child actions to map properties on that page. The target and source can be of different Applies To classes.
The Append and Map to action is equivalent to doing an Update Page action using the <APPEND>
keyword. When the system invokes the Append and Map to action, it creates a new page in the target Page List property, without creating any embedded properties in that new page. Then, subsequent children actions create the embedded properties on the page.
When you select the Append and Map to action, the system automatically displays a child Set action, because no properties yet exist on the newly created page.
When using a Source that is a Page List or a Page Group property (using the each page in
choice for the Relation), the button appears next to the
each page in
choice. Click this button to specify a when condition rule for the Append and Map to action, so that a page from the source is appended to the target only if the condition is true. For example, when your target is a Page List property of PreferredCustomers, and you want to map data from an AllCustomers source Page List property only for those customers that are "preferred" customers, click the button and specify a when condition rule named
Refer it for more details:-
Hope it helps you in implementing your use-case. Kindly notify if it does by marking this post as answered for larger Pega audience.

Hi Asif
yes you are correct , I'm trying to use data transform to pass values from property to page list <<please see attach dataTransform1.png
and now I'm trying to display the values from page list "ListOfNotes" how can I do that?
Krog Linga Ana Herrera Mochammad Badru Zaman

Pegasystems Inc.
In the data transform, Step 1 correct.
In step 1.1, instead of listofnotes(0) use something like pyNote property.
after the iteration , your page will be like , pagename.ListofNotes(1).pyNote, pagename.ListofNotes(2).pyNote so on..
In UI, configure a grid and use ListofNotes as grid source and use pyNote property in grid column.

Hi vanaa
Actually I'm little confused with (your page will be like , pagename.ListofNotes(1).pyNote) what do you mean in pagename?
I only have pageList with name"ListOfNotes" , property ".pyNote" and data transform
could you please explain what "pagename" you mean?

Pegasystems Inc.
pagename is your clipboard page which contains the ListofNotes pagelist property.
If you are using it within a case, it could be pyWorkPage or the primary page on which the data transform is running.
ADITYA KORALE Narasimha Reddy Saravana Kumar G