Last activity: 21 Nov 2016 0:14 EST
How can i call an activity on release lock declaratively?
When a work object is commited it releases lock.
I want to call an activity on this release lock declaratively.
Initially a created a declare triger , but found an issue with this is, declare trigger runs when the commit process begins , i.e when the current workobject is not written into db.
Is there any other method of implmentating this kind of logic
***Updated by Moderator: Lochan. Removed user added helpme and Ask the Expert tags. Apologies for confusion, shouldn't have been an end-user option***
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If i want to do some post commit activity which would be the right place to do this ?
IN received faster response compare this pega product support forum.
And mesh had better way to look at post, like how many viewed the post , how many bookmarked it, and more importantly all activities on post is notified to me on inbox.
This looks similar to this discussion -
Also this -
No solution there as well :(
Any Suggestion or updates on this ?
Any Suggestion or updates on this ?
Pegasystems Inc.
Try using a when condition which can control the execution of the trigger based on the fact whether the data is saved or not.
Hi shantanu,
I am not able to understand the above solution , can you please elaborate a little.
What kind of when rule will tell me whether the changes got persisted in to the database
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi RasaiyaNadar, Can you add few more details on why the use case araised?
if can't share because of any business reasons... Here is what you can try: As @santanu suggested, you can write a declare trigger on commit and save option selected on Declare Trigger rule and call an activity which you want. If you are expecting the activity shouldn't run in current transaction, can you try checking "Trigger activity as "In Background on copy" . Pleae refer to Declare Trigger rule form about this setting. I've not tried this option, but you can certainly try.
i think there is also concept callled nested transaction, but this will not work in your usecase.
Tried the background copy option,did nit work though.
you can easily recreate this create a declare trigger for commited save ,in that trigger call an activity that does an rdb list which fectches the increment status of the current object and writes it in a file. My requirement is similar on commit of an work object I need to generate a report.
Pegasystems Inc.
I have to agree with the person asking for the business case. Why are you trying to do this? In what way are the OOTB facilities in the system failing to meet your business needs? My guess is there is a better way to meet those needs than the approach you are taking, but without a clear understanding of what and why, I can't really offer any meaningful guidance.
Hi Mike,
Sorry for the late reply, was stuck with some other thing.
Business Use Case is that on commit of every work object i need to generate a report [Based on some condition] and send it to an external system.
Let me know your thought on this.
I am guessing that this "report" generation must be required to send some data about that specific work object. I agree with the option suggested by eric_osman. Post the submit of your business operation, we can have a Wait shape which will perform a commit in Pega. The Wait shape can have a wait time of 1 sec post which the process can move forward and call your report generation activity through a utility. This should give you a near real time processing. In 6.x world, probably the same feature will be implemented via an Assignment shape with an SLA.
How about having a flow step just after the one in which the work object has been written. That step will be confident that the data was already written, and can do whatever you were planning to do in the trigger. /Eric
Hi Eric_Osman,
That's one thought we came up with intialy , but we rejected that way of implementation as we need to update lots of flow.
Also we need to keep it declrative so that even if some remediation acitivity is written, the reports gets generated automatically on work object commit.
I started this post from the thought that pega releases lock on commit, if i can find the place where this happens may be i can add a post commit activity.
Or Find a place where i can do post commit activity.
Considering the contraints that you have mentioned, have you also thought about queuing your work item to a an Agent. Commit operation for workitem and "queue to agent" will be part of single transaction. Report generation will be new transaction handled by Agent. Agent activity can be easily modified to cater to future changes.
Seems Promising,
Do we need to use the step method Queue to achieve this ? Will that get executed as soon as this transaction of commit ends ? Can you please guide me here as i have never used Queue.
We thought of writing the workobject id in a table on commit , and then an agent[runs in specific interval of time] would pick it up from the table and generate the report, but we rejected that thought because the requirement was for real time report generation
Any approach would be ok to me, just few constraints
1. It should be real time report generation, i.e as soon as the commit operation finishes the report should be generated.
2. It shoould dynamic ,i.e commit from anywhere and the report should be generated