How and where to submit an enhancement request?
How does one and where in PCC can one submit a request for product enhancement for say pega platform, pls?
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How does one and where in PCC can one submit a request for product enhancement for say pega platform, pls?
Accepted Solution
@Yoke Wei The collaboration center has recently undergone a big change as highlighted in this announcement:
With these changes the 'Submit an Idea' was removed.
The current process now is that if you wish to highlight an area of product functionality which is behaving as documented, but which you believe would benefit from having a modified functionality, please use the Start a Discussion within the Pega Support Centre menu navigation.
In the Discussion please provide a clear header and details of the area that needs improvement with an example business use case if possible.
The moderators will then review and tag the suggestion with the product capability tags to bring it to attention to the relevant teams.
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