Maantic Inc
Posted: Jul 19, 2017
Last activity: Aug 1, 2017
Last activity: 1 Aug 2017 1:47 EDT
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How to add sum of aggregate function in Report definition without subreport or Join
Pega version 7.2.1
A sub-report at least is necessary to get the sum of an aggregate function. So, I don't see any other way to do the sum of aggregate without sub-report or join.
Hi John_paul_raja,
In the report definition, we have fx button next to column source. Below is the screen print
Click on the fx utton to launch calculation builder. Press down arrow to load the different functions which satisfies your requirement.
If you are looking something different or my understanding is not correction then I would request you to elaborate the requirement
Please feel free to reply your thoughts
Thank you
There is no direct way to achieve your requirement.
You need to create sub-reports.
In my requirement if I use sub report it is not working as expected.
You may create an SR if sub report used is not working as expected.
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