Last activity: 27 Sep 2018 6:32 EDT
How to add shared RuleSet in Component and Shared RuleSets array on the General tab of an application rule
I am using Pega 7.3.
Issue: Component and Shared RuleSets array section is not visible on the General tab of an application rule
How to add shared RuleSet in "Component and Shared RuleSets" array on the General tab of an application rule
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Accepted Solution
Pegasystems Inc.
The previous comments are correct that component/shared rulesets on the application ruleform were intentionally deprecated. The expectation is that shared/component rulesets should be built as Component records and added to an application as such. That approach allows your shared ruleset to have a set of meta-data associated with it to describe its usage in a more structured way than was possible from the ruleset ruleform.
For the second question, are you referring to the Ruleset Type field on the category tab of the Ruleset ruleform? Likely this value should be set to Component for rulesets created automatically when building a component, however that's not currently the case. At this moment that value doesn't influence much on the system so there would not be much value gained or lost based upon that decision. Currently there are no changes planned.
LTI Mindtree
I found the cause of this issue
This is due to when rule "pzHideComponentRuleSet" which is used in the section "pzDevelopmentAdvanced". In this section, when condition always failing, due to this we are unable to see "Component and shared Ruleset" details.
Path: pzDefinition (Section) -> pzDevelopmentAdvanced (Section) -> pzHideComponentRuleSet (When rule). Please find attachment.
Unfortunately all these are Final (Availability) rules
This can helpful for your issue why you are not getting Component and shared Ruleset details
Thanks for your response. Already identified above details.
Query is, How to add shared RuleSet in Component and Shared RuleSets array on the General tab of an application rule.
"Component and Shared Rulesets arry" Section is not visible in Application Rule due to when rule.
How to add shared RuleSet in Component and Shared RuleSets array on the General tab of an application rule?
Thanks in Advance..........
Pegasystems Inc.
I see a similar SR was raised for 7.3.1. It looks like the deprecation of those rulesets began in 7.3 since you see the same behavior.
Here is the information from that SR.
From 7.3.1 onwards, creating component or shared rulesets has been deprecated. Below is how system will behave,
- If an application already has component rulesets (pyCmpShrRuleSetsList), then show grid as read only. Only remove icon of such ruleset should be allowed.
- If there are no component rulesets, then don't show this grid at all.
- Remove component dropdown option for ruleset rule form page. (ruleset->category)
As per the SR in formation provided above talks about Component ruleset.
Query is related to Share ruleset. If it is deprecated, then how the intent is to provide a small group of rules that provide common functions that can be shared among (unrelated) applications in Pega 7.3
Thanks in Advance........
Pegasystems Inc.
You could create Components and then add the component to the desired applications.
Thanks for your response.
Query is related to Share ruleset. If it is deprecated, then how the intent is to provide a small group of rules that provide common functions that can be shared among (unrelated) applications in Pega 7.3
Query: Are we going to deprecate Component ruleset. Going forward, Manage Component is replace Component ruleset?
Thanks in Advance........
Pegasystems Inc.
We'll see if someone else on the forum has more information on the shared ruleset.
Thanks for your response. Do you have any update.............
Query is related to Share ruleset. If it is deprecated, then how the intent is to provide a small group of rules that provide common functions that can be shared among (unrelated) applications in Pega 7.3
Query: Are we going to deprecate Component ruleset. Going forward, Manage Component is replace Component ruleset?
Thanks for your response. Do you have any update.............
Query is related to Share ruleset. If it is deprecated, then how the intent is to provide a small group of rules that provide common functions that can be shared among (unrelated) applications in Pega 7.3
Query: Are we going to deprecate Component ruleset. Going forward, Manage Component is replace Component ruleset?
Thanks in Advance........
Query is related to Share ruleset. If it is deprecated, then how the intent is to provide a small group of rules that provide common functions that can be shared among (unrelated) applications in Pega 7.3
Query: Are we going to deprecate Component ruleset. Going forward, Manage Component is replace Component ruleset?
Thanks in Advance........
Query is related to Share ruleset. If it is deprecated, then how the intent is to provide a small group of rules that provide common functions that can be shared among (unrelated) applications in Pega 7.3
Query: Are we going to deprecate Component ruleset. Going forward, Manage Component is replace Component ruleset?
Thanks in Advance........
Please find below link
I hope this link will help you
My query is not answered..........
Main Query is related to Share ruleset. If it is deprecated, then how the intent is to provide a small group of rules that provide common functions that can be shared among (unrelated) applications in Pega 7.3
Second Query: Are we going to deprecate Component ruleset. Going forward, Manage Component is replace Component ruleset? Please confirm with Yes or No.
Thanks in Advance........
Main Query is related to Share ruleset. If it is deprecated, then how the intent is to provide a small group of rules that provide common functions that can be shared among (unrelated) applications in Pega 7.3
Second Query: Are we going to deprecate Component ruleset. Going forward, Manage Component is replace Component ruleset? Please confirm with Yes or No.
Thanks in Advance........
Main Query is related to Share ruleset. If it is deprecated, then how the intent is to provide a small group of rules that provide common functions that can be shared among (unrelated) applications in Pega 7.3
Second Query: Are we going to deprecate Component ruleset. Going forward, Manage Component is replace Component ruleset? Please confirm with Yes or No.
Thanks in Advance........
Main Query is related to Share ruleset. If it is deprecated, then how the intent is to provide a small group of rules that provide common functions that can be shared among (unrelated) applications in Pega 7.3
Second Query: Are we going to deprecate Component ruleset. Going forward, Manage Component is replace Component ruleset? Please confirm with Yes or No.
Thanks in Advance........
appala purri
Accepted Solution
Pegasystems Inc.
The previous comments are correct that component/shared rulesets on the application ruleform were intentionally deprecated. The expectation is that shared/component rulesets should be built as Component records and added to an application as such. That approach allows your shared ruleset to have a set of meta-data associated with it to describe its usage in a more structured way than was possible from the ruleset ruleform.
For the second question, are you referring to the Ruleset Type field on the category tab of the Ruleset ruleform? Likely this value should be set to Component for rulesets created automatically when building a component, however that's not currently the case. At this moment that value doesn't influence much on the system so there would not be much value gained or lost based upon that decision. Currently there are no changes planned.
Murali Krishnan Divakaran