How to add a png image to word template
We're generating a png image runtime in a case and we want to add this image to the word template.
We're already replacing some fields in the template with property values from the workpage (for example)
{ pega:reference pyWorkPage.Contract.CompanyName } using "SetMergeActionParams" and "AttachCategorizedWordDoc" OOTB activities.
We want to know how to replace a field in the word template with the content of our png image.
We're generating a png image runtime in a case and we want to add this image to the word template.
We're already replacing some fields in the template with property values from the workpage (for example)
{ pega:reference pyWorkPage.Contract.CompanyName } using "SetMergeActionParams" and "AttachCategorizedWordDoc" OOTB activities.
We want to know how to replace a field in the word template with the content of our png image.
The image is stored in the attachments of the work object.
Thank you