
Last activity: 21 Jul 2017 10:58 EDT
Hi, need to use alfresco for saving document to repository.
I need to save the attached work object document to the repository in alfresco.
I have created a SOAP server, and connect cmis rule. My server test connection is successful but cannot find the repository name in the connect cmis rule for that server.
The Atom Server is not working for our alfresco, may be does not support the Atom Server.
please let me know how to get this intigrated, thanks.
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Accepted Solution

Please find the attached document which we have created while testing in house.

Virtusa Software Services Pvt Ltd
Hi Vishal,
Please take a look into the below steps
Step 1 : Enable Content Management in the Application Rule Instance (advanced tab)
Step 2: Create Atom Server Instance
Syn: Atom Server URI : http://servername:port/alfresco/service/cmis
Eg: http:// Proprietary information hidden:8080/alfresco/service/cmis
Note: configure Atom server instance with Admin User credentials.
Step 3: Create CMIS Connect Rule and give appropriate values
i.e. Server Type - Atom, ServerInstance - As per Step 2, Repository Name - Main Repository etc...
Note: Check the test connectivity once you saved the rule
Step 4: Update the Application Rule Instance (advanced tab) with Connector Class, Connector Name and CMIS Folder values

Hi Divakar,
Not able to configure with ATOM server, gives me following errors, "Fail:Couldn't connect to Atom server located at http:// Proprietary information hidden:8080/alfresco/service/cmis <p> 404-Not Found ".
When i use SOAP server it works, but cannot get the repository names in my connect-cmis rule.

Alfresco version and CMIS version. See this link:
CMIS 1.0
For Alfresco 3.x : http://[host]:[port]/alfresco/service/cmis
For Alfresco 4.0.x and Alfresco 4.1.x : http://[host]:[port]/alfresco/cmisatom
For Alfresco 4.2: http://[host]:[port]/alfresco/api/-default-/public/cmis/versions/1.0/atom
CMIS 1.1
For Alfresco 4.2: http://[host]:[port]/alfresco/api/-default-/public/cmis/versions/1.1/atom

Hi Gangababu,
I am working on Pega7.1.7 and Alfresco 5.0.
I tried using http://[host]:[port]/alfresco/api/-default-/public/cmis/versions/1.1/atom
But the issue not resolved, giving the error as
"Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;)V"
The above is the error from the log file i found.

By looking into the error it seems praxiom jar is present twice or not present at all. Is it an upgraded environment.
Could you please run the below query to know about praxiom jar.
select * from pr_engineclasses where pzjar like '%axiom%'
Can you try use this URI http://host:port/alfresco/service/cmis

Hi Gangababu,
pzjar | pzpackage | pzclass | pzlastmodified | pzsha1 | pzmoduleversion | pzcodeset | pzcodesetversion | pzpatchdate | pzstate | pzbinarycontent |
praxiom-1.2.13.jar | _pegainf_ | jar.signature | 02:42.0 | gQYG3vIRyZ1rwvRQtcHHZwV//Oo= | 1.42487E+12 | pega-enginecode | ######## | 09:00.0 | 0 | 0x5A6C4237000000007801030000000001 |
I fired the query, above is the result i got., please let me know how should i go forward with this.
I also tried the uri http://host:port/alfresco/service/cmis
but not working.
Accepted Solution

Please find the attached document which we have created while testing in house.

Did not find the document. Can mail me the same if possible [email protected].
Would be a grateful.

Hi Gangababu,
Thanks for the help and the document you sent. Completed the task, performed ML upgrade.
Thanks and regards,
Vishal A.

Good to hear that it worked. May I know which version of PRPC you are in?

I was trying this in Pega7.1.7. Did a upgrade to Pega7.1.8 now its working fine.
Thanks and regards,
Vishal A.

Pegasystems Inc.
have you tried this with version 5 of community? I can connect to server, but am not finding any repositories in the drop down

Which version of PRPC you are in ? In this case Vishal is in ML7 there he faced the issue and he upgraded to Ml8 and followed the steps mentioned in the document and worked fine for him.

I don't have access to the given links. Can u please send these as attachments.
Would be helpful for me, thanks.

Virtusa Software Services Pvt Ltd
Please perform the below operations at your end and let us know if this fixes the issue.
1. First stop the server.
2. Run the below queries on your database (Note: Please take the backup of your database tables before doing this operation).
Delete FROM pr_engineclasses where pzjar like '%base/java5/bcprov-jdk15-140.jar%';
Delete FROM pr_engineclasses where pzjar like '%base/java6/bcprov-jdk16-143.jar%';
Delete FROM pr_engineclasses where pzjar like '%base/java5/bcmail-jdk15-140.jar%';
Delete FROM pr_engineclasses where pzjar like '%base/java6/bcmail-jdk16-140.jar%';
Delete FROM pr_engineclasses where pzclass like '%bcmail-jdk15-140.jar%' and pzpackage like '%_extractfiles_%';
Delete FROM pr_engineclasses where pzclass like '%bcmail-jdk16-140.jar%' and pzpackage like '%_extractfiles_%';
Delete FROM pr_engineclasses where pzclass like '%bcprov-jdk16-143.jar%' and pzpackage like '%_extractfiles_%';
Delete FROM pr_engineclasses where pzclass like '%bcprov-jdk15-140.jar%' and pzpackage like '%_extractfiles_%';
Note: remember to commit the changes to the DB
3. Run some DB "Select" queries to make the above rows are no longer there.
4. Clear the temporary directory (this is important as the extracted here and used from here and the reused). Restart the server.
The jar files above get extracted to the file system during engine startup and persist during PRPC restarts. Deleting the content of this directory will cause the appropriate files to be re-extracted to the file system.

Hi Divakar,
Done the above steps, it seems we need to provide new bcprov and bcmail.jar in the application.
I am not getting the files in the temp now. I think its because i deleted it from the DB.
files removed : '%base\java6\bcprov-jdk15on-149.jar%', '%base\java6\bcmail-jdk15on-149.jar%' for both pzpackage:- _pegainf_ and pzpackage:- _extractfiles_.
Please let me know if i have to import these files, where do i get these from.

Virtusa Software Services Pvt Ltd
Hi Vishal,
No need to import these files, these will extract when you restart the server. these will appear in temp when you use those jar through pega.
you restarted the server right..?, can you check the atom server connectivity now. before can you verify the below details once
1. check the Atom server connectivity
2. once if it is success then goto CMIS Connect Rule and check appropriate values
i.e. Server Type-Atom, ServerInstance - as you created, Repository Name - will display based on your alfresco path configuration
If step 1 connectivity fails can you check telnet of your target IP from source IP. they might restrict the connectivity (Connection refused) or may get connection timeout error.
Based on the above result we can proceed further. if required we will configure the alfresco setting in CMS, then will provide same details in Pega then will try.

Hi Divakar,
I followed the process u mentioned, i restarted my tomcat server, but it failed to generate the files.
Due to this the PEGA application was not working, hence reverted the changes.
I guess i deleted the rows from table which get extracted files in temp folder, please also let me know the alfresco version i should use for Pega7.1.7.
Currently i have alfresco 5.0.0d

CPF Board
Hi ,
I am unable to connect atom server even after restart.
Server Url : http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/-default-/public/cmis/versions/1.1/atom
Using Alfresco 5.0d
Facing below error :
Unable to get repositories for the CMIS session: Cannot access "http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/-default-/public/cmis/versions/1.1/atom": Connection refused: conne
Could you please help with further steps

Virtusa Software Services Pvt Ltd
Hi Vishal,
For sample testing purpose of Content Management Repository you can get instance repository in your local server then try to connect
might the same below details need to provide
Atom Server URI -
User ID - admin
password - admin
then save and click on test connectivity and let me know the results
if it is success/good, then goto CMIS connect rule and check the repository name in the drop down, you will get Main Repository, select and save the rule, then check the connectivity.

Hi Divakar,
I tried the alfreco connectivity on my laptop, where i have Pega7.1.8 and Alfresco 5.0d. there it seems to work fine. In my office we are working on Pega7.1.7.
Do we need to upgrade to Pega7.1.8 for the integration?

Hi Divakar,
Thanks for the help. Completed the task, performed ML upgrade.
Thanks and regards,
Vishal A

Virtusa Software Services Pvt Ltd
Hi Vishal,
Good to hear that news and thanks for the updates