
Serialized Solutions Inc
Last activity: 28 Jul 2016 8:36 EDT
Has anyone used OOTB or custom logic to compare two work items (cases)?
I wanted to know if there is any OOTB functionality that would allow the comparison of two work items (of the same case type)? or was there custom logic written? (This is not reflective of the duplicate case check as it's just performing a compare of the two work item instances)?
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Rob,
pxCOmparePages Activity is not available in PRPC 7.1.8. However, you can try using PYCOMPAREFROMRULEDIFF Activity to compare the XML of the workobject.

Pegasystems Inc.
You can use pxComparePages activity to compare any two pages. We have used this in our app to track the changes made to the work item during case life cycle. Activity provides data transforms to customize the comparision logic. Below is the description and history of the activity- So you can use this method to compare 2 work items
Return the differences between Param.PreviousPage and Param.CurrentPage into the page Param.ResultPageName. There are four change types: Insert, Modify, Remove, Move. This indicates what changes is needed to get from the state of the PreviousPage to the state of the CurrentPage.
This activity is used by user interfaces to show the differences between two pages. Use the activity pxComparePagesByKey if you have the pzInsKey of two records to compare.

Serialized Solutions Inc
Hi @Durgaprasad
thank you for the response. I started to look into this but your description on the history of the rule and the parameters don't line up with what I am finding.
I am using Pega Platform 7.1.8
The only rule I find is: PegaAccel-Management-Refactor-RuleDiff.pyComparePages in RS: Pega-RuleRefactoring: 07-10-01.
Did I miss something?
thank you

Pegasystems Inc.
OOTB pxCOmparePages API will help us to compare entire work objects(it has some logic to filterout proeprties like pxXYZ...etc). You can check if there is possibility to compare your own properties.
if you are sure about properties that you want to use for comparision and decided based on them, you can configure Case Match Rule. Case Match is designed to compare Cases..

Pegasystems Inc.
also please check if this rule helps..
need to test & learn by sending the xml of the workobject as parameter to OOTB API RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY PEGAACCEL-MANAGEMENT-REFACTOR-RULEDIFF PYCOMPAREFROMRULEDIFF
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Rob,
pxCOmparePages Activity is not available in PRPC 7.1.8. However, you can try using PYCOMPAREFROMRULEDIFF Activity to compare the XML of the workobject.

Serialized Solutions Inc
thank you to all for you assistance. I have now something to run with.