Graph report displaying no data in chart view where as show data has summary information
We have a requirement to display a bar chart to display average case completion time group by different case types. When the system has only single case type of work objects in complete status the report not displaying chart showing no data, but in show data it is displaying average for single that single case type.
Created a report definition with below logic.
Column1: Difference days function (Case resolved time stamp-case create date time) with average summarize function
Column2: Case type
Filter condition: pystatuswork = "Resolved-Completed".
Chart properties: horizontal axis - Case type
vertical axis- Average case completion time
Issue: Report not showing graph when single case type of data exists, if we have multiple case type report displaying bars for each type.
Is this expected behavior? Ideally it should show the single bar when we have single set of data for the group by field. Please suggest.