
Last activity: 6 Nov 2018 20:02 EST
To get one of the properties of the parent component of a captured web control
I have captured a web control in the table(in a web application) that repeats for all the columns which is hidden in nature. The ID property is dynamic and assigned in the run time, class name is the same for all such components. only way to make it unique is the parent property of each element but i couldnt get the name of the parent of the cloned objects.
Eg: The sorting icon for the column is repeating for all the column headers in the table. we intend to click the sorting icon of a specific column. All the sorting icons get dynamic id on run time hence it couldn't be considered for the match rule. class property for all the sorting icon is the same. only possibility to identify the sorting icon of a specific column can be identified only by evaluating the parent of the sorting icon(column header of the column). Hence we are in need of a way to get the parent property of the web control to identify the exact control.
Note: in the interrogation screen we are able to see the parent target values of the control but couldn't get the same in the properties or methods of the control in the automation.