Corporation Service Company
Last activity: 13 Nov 2018 8:34 EST
File Upload without pyWorkPage
I need to know when and in which activity/control does pega actually uploads the attachment to the StaticContent directory.
We have a requirement where in we are not in a work object context (i.e. there is no pyWorkPage as such). So, we are opening a work object on a different page (lets say TempWorkObjectPage).
We added the OOTB "pyAdvancedAttachmentMenu" Menu on the screen and for the "Attach File(s)" option, using this page as the context.
When the user actually selects the file from its local drive, i am getting an error "** Can't continue with file attachment. File "file://web:/StaticContent/global/ServiceExport/Test Doc 1.txt" doesn't exist
When i trace it, i see that there is an activity - "Data-WorkAttach-File.pyUploadFile", in the java step system is searching for the file in the StaticContent directory and in my case not able to find it.
The same thing is working fine when i am actually in a work object context and have the pyWorkPage.
Note:- There are reasons that i cannot use pyWorkPage to open the work object. So, i need to find another way.
Piyush Arora