
Infosys Limited
Last activity: 9 Jan 2019 7:15 EST
File Listener can not process files from Subfolders other than Pega Installation Folder eg PegaTemp Folder
I have a requirement of File Listener to process files from a Folder which is outside of Pega Installation Folder directory.
Currently creating a Subfolder(TEST) in this path, the file listener is working Fine
however from this Folder structure- /home/websit/PegaUpgrade/TEST-File listener is unable to process the files, not creating subdirectories <work_FileListenerName> and hence file processing failed
Is this a PEGA Limitation, that File Listeners cant process from Folders outside of Pega Installation Directory.
Any heads up is appreciated, this is very Urgent.
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Accepted Solution

Infosys Limited
Hi Arindam,
Admins enabled access for Weblogic to read from this path /home/websit/PegaUpgrade/TEST and now its working Fine.
However after fixing this, I noticed another issue. the frequency of File Listener picking up the files is slow. I gave 1 second as the polling interval. Still after placing the file in the source folder in about 4-5 seconds file is getting picked up?
My concerns a) Has it go to do with the Server Speed of the SIT environment b) Can not provide miliseconds in the polling interval as its expecting always a integer value.

Pegasystems Inc.
It is working fine for below directory as its root is weblogic.
It is working fine for below directory as its root is weblogic.
For other folder, cause could be, this folder is not reachable to weblogic, from other post, I believe you have given all access to this TEST folder.
Can you please involve OS admins to see this issue of directory not getting visible to weblogic user?

Infosys Limited
Hi Arvind,
Yes all accesses were explicitly granted to the TEST folder, but no luck was unable to see those Work_FileListeners getting created.

Pegasystems Inc.
I would suggest you to involve Operating System Admins to review this issue as I still believe, this is access related issue.

Infosys Limited
Sure will involve them, but if I may ask, can you let me know what actually I would ask them to check , like what access needs to be checked for this folder path /home/websit/PegaUpgrade/TEST

Pegasystems Inc.
I believe, giving them exact scenario if issue, will help them understand reported issue.
They will be able to understand that this is access related issue between weblogic to external folder which is used for FileListener.

Infosys Limited
Actually I already involved them, and then they gave all access to the TEST Folder and was not sure of what actually is causing the problem. However like u said below, I would ask them if TEST folder is reachable to WebLogic User
For other folder[/home/websit/PegaUpgrade/TEST], cause could be, this folder is not reachable to weblogic, from other post, I believe you have given all access to this TEST folder.
Can you please involve OS admins to see this issue of directory not getting visible to weblogic user?
Accepted Solution

Infosys Limited
Hi Arindam,
Admins enabled access for Weblogic to read from this path /home/websit/PegaUpgrade/TEST and now its working Fine.
However after fixing this, I noticed another issue. the frequency of File Listener picking up the files is slow. I gave 1 second as the polling interval. Still after placing the file in the source folder in about 4-5 seconds file is getting picked up?
My concerns a) Has it go to do with the Server Speed of the SIT environment b) Can not provide miliseconds in the polling interval as its expecting always a integer value.

Pegasystems Inc.
Good to hear that File Listener set up is successful.
Regarding next question, I suggest you raise another question so that for knowledgebase management, it becomes easy to correlate issue posted with how it got resolved.
Thus, suggest you to close this by marking this answered.

Infosys Limited
Sure, Thanks Arindam :)

Please find below link might help you