Tata Consultancy Services Limited
Last activity: 10 Apr 2018 11:33 EDT
FAIL message at the Property-Set-XML step - Encountered a withEmbedded tag with property $this of non-page mode String; it will be ignored
Guys hope everyone is doing well !!
Well I need a help on an issue I am not able to understand regarding a fail status at the Property-Set-XML of a activity step.
Here, I am actually mapping a lot of data to a page through a data transform, and passing that through an XML stream ( having multipple nested XML streams ) with repetitive structures. I have checked the data are perfectly assigned through the data transforn to the respective properties and the generated XML at the tracer also seems fine.
But somehow there is a FAIL message at the Property-Set-XML step and in turn its causing the error resoonse XML from the SOAP.
When, checking the Tracer I am getting the folloing error on that step " Encountered a withEmbedded tag with property $this of non-page mode String; it will be ignored "
Also, on checking the logs I am getting the following :-
ERROR| Proprietary information hidden dev10 - One or more properties could not be serialized during passivation and have therefore been lost. They will not be available on activation. Please ensure that all property data is Serializable
Guys hope everyone is doing well !!
Well I need a help on an issue I am not able to understand regarding a fail status at the Property-Set-XML of a activity step.
Here, I am actually mapping a lot of data to a page through a data transform, and passing that through an XML stream ( having multipple nested XML streams ) with repetitive structures. I have checked the data are perfectly assigned through the data transforn to the respective properties and the generated XML at the tracer also seems fine.
But somehow there is a FAIL message at the Property-Set-XML step and in turn its causing the error resoonse XML from the SOAP.
When, checking the Tracer I am getting the folloing error on that step " Encountered a withEmbedded tag with property $this of non-page mode String; it will be ignored "
Also, on checking the logs I am getting the following :-
ERROR| Proprietary information hidden dev10 - One or more properties could not be serialized during passivation and have therefore been lost. They will not be available on activation. Please ensure that all property data is Serializable
com.pega.pegarules.session.external.mgmt.PageCannotBeSerializedForPassivationException: Unable to passivate page 'pyDisplay_Developer' on thread '<savedwork>' in requestor 'H5C1A97E884C86975D168422A50EE0E72'. The following items were not serializable: [Property not serializable: "Declare_pyDisplay.pyDisplay(Developer).pyUIElements(3).pyParameters.activityParamPage" Class: "", Property not serializable: "Declare_pyDisplay.pyDisplay(Developer).pyUIElements(3).pyParameters.pyServiceClient" Class: "com.pega.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient", Property not serializable: "Declare_pyDisplay.pyDisplay(Developer).pyUIElements(4).pyParameters.activityParamPage" Class: "", Property not serializable: "Declare_pyDisplay.pyDisplay(Developer).pyUIElements(4).pyParameters.pyServiceClient" Class: "com.pega.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient"].
On, checking pdn blogs the nature of error on logs shows some Hotfix to be deployed. But, I am not sure .
It would be really helpful, if I get some guidance or resolution of this
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to add SR Details***