
Last activity: 16 Aug 2021 11:20 EDT
Extraction of BIX file(XML) for every Case commit causing DB/PoolExhaustedException
HI All,
We have a requirement to off load data every time when a commit on case happens to Data Lake. For this we configured Declare Trigger when case is committed to run an activity that calls the Extract rule to generate the XML file for the specific CaseID.
We are generating a XML file with all the properties on the case for every case commit using BIX to a shared folder on the server. In Production at a given point of time there will be 300-400 users using the application .
We observed that 30-40 files are getting generated per minute and it is causing DB/PoolExhaustedException . After this the users are not able to access the application and screen becomes unresponsive.
Can you suggest how can the performance be improved as we need to offload the data near real time.