
HealthFirst Org
Last activity: 21 Jun 2023 6:50 EDT
extra spaces are removed when pega creating 834 file
We have requirement to create a 834 outbound file from pega.
I am using the out of the box Generate834 activity to create the 834 file. extra spaces included in property are truncated to single space.
expected value in 834 header:
ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*133783732 *ZZ*Test *230509*0957*^*00501*000001976*0*P*>~
Actual result of 834 generated in pega:
ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*91237 *ZZ*UNKNOWN *230522*1452*^*00501*774674144*0*P*>~
Is there any way to achieve this extra space.
I tried to map properties as below.
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Updated: 26 May 2023 10:36 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
@KRISHNAPAVANP could you clarify the Pega Product you have installed?
Which documentation are you following?
Configuring EDI 834 outbound file settings

HealthFirst Org
Hi took the reference of below document and configured the logic as per my business requirement.
I am using Generate834 activity to generate 834 file.
X12 N834 Benefit Enrollment - Outbound
We are using pega 8.8.2 version

HealthFirst Org

Pegasystems Inc.
@KRISHNAPAVANP I am still trying to get engagement from our product owners.
What I did notice was that I checked Google for the known file format and the Pega format looks fine compared to yours ie documentation shows it should be:
@ganga2 @dashs1 please could you help out with this question?

Pegasystems Inc.
Are you looking for only leading and trailing spaces getting removed from the property content while forming the segment ? Need some clarification to understand the requirement here.
Updated: 8 Jun 2023 16:42 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
I am able to reproduce the issue that you are referring to. Even though multiple spaces are there in the content, the clipboard shows single space in the readonly mode. Find the attached screenshots. The editable mode shows the actual content with multiple spaces.
I am trying to get more details from the relevant teams on this. Will keep you posted.
Updated: 13 Jun 2023 8:57 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
@SukantDash @KRISHNAPAVANP if this requires official GCS Support team investigation can you please confirm that an Incident will be logged for this via the MSP?
Please provide the INC reference here so that we can help track it.

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes, I would suggest to log an incident with GCS.

Pegasystems Inc.
@KRISHNAPAVANP please can you log into the MSP and log a Support Incident there?
Feel free to reference this forum URL and mention Sukant Dash' s investigation so that our support team can work with the engineering team to investigate officially.
As soon as you log the ticket please post a reply with the INC ID here so that we can help track progress.

Pegasystems Inc.
@KRISHNAPAVANP did you or your colleagues log this as a support ticket yet?
I am unable to find any relevant tickets on our MSP.